“We’re called to be the hands and feet of Christ – and that’s exactly what we did today. We bombarded heaven with our prayers.”

People of faith throughout Georgia are finding unique ways to gather and pray for hospital workers battling the COVID-19 pandemic – and they’re following social distancing guidelines while doing it.
In Cartersville, Ga., hundreds gathered in their cars around the Cartersville Medical Center last Thursday to pray for the nurses and doctors. They tuned their radios to 91.7 FM, a local Christian station that plays worship songs.
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Georgia is one of the epicenters of the coronavirus outbreak.
“I know people personally here that have been tested with the coronavirus. And one of our church members passed due to the coronavirus,” participant Jennifer Hyde told Atlanta’s Fox 5.
Best thing I’ve seen today. Doctors and Nurses singing “Waymaker” over the hospital they work at.
— Jason Romano (@JasonRomano) March 29, 2020
God you’re still working in the midst of all of this! pic.twitter.com/7ym7gLp9xq
Camden McGill helped organize the event. He said word about the event spread on social media.
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“We’re called to be the hands and feet of Christ – and that’s exactly what we did today. We bombarded heaven with our prayers,” he told Atlanta’s 11 Alive. “… It’s just been a blessing.”
Hospital workers appreciated the prayers. Several workers stood on top of the hospital building, arms outstretched in worship, as popular Christian song ‘Way Maker’ played on the radio. Other workers stood on the lawn.
Cartersville Medical Center in Bartow County wrote in a Facebook post that hundreds of people joined the prayer circle to raise the spirits of hospital staff and patients who are battling COVID-19.
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“They are putting their lives at risk,” participant Lisa Shryock said, holding a sign reading, “Thank you. Praying for you.”
Michelle Anderson, who has worked at the hospital for 26 years, told Fox 5 she has “never been more proud to work here.”
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“The community outpouring today is unbelievable,” she said.
As cars filled the hospital parking lot, people sat inside their vehicles and tuned their radios to hear prayer and music.
Camden McGill, who helped organize the event, said she is ready for the pandemic to end.
“It’s hit close to home, a lot of people have been affected by this, we’re just ready to see it go,” she said.
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Staff members waved to everyone from the hospital’s rooftop, then sang the popular Christian song “Way Maker.”
Cartersville isn’t the only Georgia community to form an automobile prayer circle.
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In Americus, Ga., members of a church surrounded Phoebe Sumter Medical Center on Saturday night in their cars to pray.
Citizens in Rome, Ga., have scheduled a prayer circle for this Wednesday, according to the Rome News-Tribune.
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The White House’s coronavirus guidelines recommend that Americans avoid gatherings larger than 10 people.
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We give God all the glory for answering the prayers offered so far and for the successful event. We are united and therefore the end of the pandemic is at hand. We are praying and believing across the globe and the faithful God we serve will surely see us through. The TRUTH is that God is in control. God is faithful to His word and He will surely do what He promised. Victory is ours. May the same fire continue across the globe to the glory of God.
2 These 7v14
Praise be to God. Repentance is what needed everywhere. Like days of Jonah, all should repent, showing remorse, all should come out of their wicked ways, cry and seek His grace and mercy.