As a 13-year-old little girl who didn’t even understand abortion, I remembered them telling me it was a clump of cells, while others said it was a blob of tissue or a grain of rice. We now know that was all lies.

I was one of George Klopfer’s patients, the abortionist that kept 2,411 babies in his garage.
I was taken to him because I was a little girl impregnated by a rapist. It was suggested that abortion would fix my trauma.
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That day forever changed me and my family. I have always said that my rape was worse than my abortion. What happened behind those doors traumatized and left me in the pit of hell trying to claw my way out. I tried to forget what happened and I never wanted to talk about it again, but it only bubbled out in very destructive ways.
I was running as fast as I could to get away from it and one night, after a heavy night of drinking, I had nothing left but to cry out to God for help. That night He met me with a love I had never felt before and He began restoring all that had been taken from me. I would begin my healing process and I would see Him apply a healing balm on my wounds time after time.
I slowly became transparent in sharing my story but never wanted to talk about my abortion. It was so painful I wanted to forget it. Even as a 13-year-old girl who was raped, I was given a mother’s heart and there was a giant hole left after my abortion.
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Eventually I would begin sharing my story after seeing the movie Unplanned. I was invited to see the movie but I had no idea what it was about. As I sat in the theater it was like watching my life unfold before my very eyes. It was during that movie that I heard the Holy Spirit say, now is the time to tell the rest of your story. I began sharing my abortion story and I was met with so much love.
One of the first places I shared my story was with my local Right to Life. I asked them if there was an abortion clinic in the area so I can go and love on abortion-minded women from the sidewalks. I wanted to share my story so they would never have to experience what I did. It was during that time that Whole Women’s Health in South Bend Indiana opened without a license.
I knew I needed to go. It was on the clinic sidewalks that God laid it on my heart to hold a memorial service for post-abortive mothers and fathers. So I began preparing a memorial service for Sept 14, 2019.
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The day before I had spent preparing and I was busy with the details and that had kept me off social media until right before I was headed to bed. That’s when I saw the story of George Klopfer, the man who did my abortion. He had died earlier in the month. His wife began cleaning out the garage and found that he had kept over 2,000 babies in their home. I crawled into bed that evening and wept and began praying. My first question to God was, “Is my daughter Elliana Grace one of the babies? And why was this happening?”
The Holy Spirit reminded me that my daughter was with Jesus and so were all the babies. He had them all and they were safe and then I was reminded this was why He had laid the memorial service on my heart. He knew many people would be hurting when they heard the news.
We held the memorial service the next day and it was beautiful but the news of the babies would reopen the wounds of so many mothers and fathers not only in our community but around the country. I would begin getting message after message of mothers who wondered if their babies were found in Klopfer’s garage.
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The stories I would hear were stories of mothers and fathers who never wanted to go to the clinic but were forced, or if they had made the choice to go, they deeply regretted it. Like myself, many of us wanted to forget the terror that happened behind those doors. Hearing that this man kept 2,411 babies, ripped open deep wounds of how abortion damages many. If you could hear the stories, it would bust your heart into a million pieces.
This weekend I was able to speak at the official memorial service for the 2,411 babies.

The same Right To Life that I reached out to share my story held a beautiful memorial service for the babies. People have asked me what this service meant to me. For me, it was another layer of healing. It is a place for mothers and fathers to go and mourn the loss of their children. To begin a healing process and find their voice to share their stories to end abortion. So many of us were lied to. As a 13-year-old little girl who didn’t even understand abortion, I remembered them telling me it was a clump of cells, while others said it was a blob of tissue or a grain of rice.
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We now know that was a lie. These were our children and a loss of a child, no matter how they are lost, is still a loss. We still need to grieve and we still need to heal. As much as it hurts to know the abortionist kept our children in his garage, we move forward by going to post abortive retreats such as Deeper Still, Rachel’s Vineyard, and Forgiven and Set and Free.
I’m so thankful for the women who asked me to attend a post abortive retreat. I honestly thought I was okay. I had done a ton of healing, but I always tell people, I’m not going to ask you to do anything that I’m not willing to do myself.
Beautiful things happened that weekend and beautiful things happened at the next retreat I attended as well. I’m sure God will meet me at the next one with His love and grace once again. On this healing journey, God has showed up many times, just like He did when He laid it on my heart to plan a service for post abortive mothers and fathers.
I didn’t know what was about to happen when He asked me to begin sharing my story, but He did. He knew there would be hurting mothers and fathers. He knew healing would need to take place.
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For anyone who is struggling after an abortion, you can reach out to me on my Facebook page @Serena Dyksen – She Found His Grace. You may also visit the burial site of the 2411 babies at South Lawn Cemetery 61430 US 31, South Bend In 46614.
I’m so thankful for the many people who made this burial possible and have spent countless hours praying for the mothers and fathers who are grieving. May we never be silent and may this move us forward to give the voiceless a voice.
Serena Dyksen was raped at 13 and taken to get an abortion. She is now a speaker and writer, fighting for the voiceless.