It’s beyond my imagination that we could have one million in one meeting

In an era where terrorists often target Christians and radical Islam is tainting peace-loving Muslims, one brave Christian evangelist is building bridges in places so dangerous, most travelers have written them off.
Well-known Bible teacher and evangelist Marilyn Hickey believes those dangerous places are fertile territory for planting seeds of love.
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The founder of Marilyn Hickey Ministries recently told CBN News about her trip to Karachi, Pakistan.
“I love Muslims and they love me,” Hickey said. “It’s beyond my imagination that we would have one million in one meeting!”
But that’s just what happened. A million Muslims filled the streets of Karachi to hear this 85-year-old grandmother share the good news about Jesus.
“People may not know your name but Jesus does,” Hickey told the crowd.
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We asked her how the people reacted to her message.
“They clap and they get excited. Oh, yes, He knows your name, where you are, who you are, has a plan and destiny for your life. I have my Bible, Psalm 139, ‘He put you together’ and He has a divine appointment and destiny for every human being,” she said.
Dr. Hickey began her preaching in a small Denver church, which evolved into an international television ministry that is now reaching out to the Muslim world.
“Before all of this was such a mess, God spoke to me to pray for Muslim countries. I memorized 40 countries and prayed every day for four years or more. Then God started sending me there,” she told us.
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“I don’t think we should watch the news but change the news,” she added.
Hickey gives all the glory to Jesus, and through him she says her mass gatherings have seen countless miracles.
“This is a positive: the Koran says Jesus heals, so when you advertise and say come and be healed, they come to be healed,” she said.
“Don’t ask me why, they call me Mom. The Muslims call me the mother of Pakistan,” Hickey said.
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“That’s God’s favor, but I don’t compromise. I tell how Jesus died for your sins, rose from dead. If you repent and believe that He will come into your heart. It is not a compromising message but a healing message for spirit, soul and body,” she added.
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Indeed, Jesus Christ is LORD forever
Comment:Our Lord Jesus will continue to bring more soul to Himself
Thank U Jesus for this wonderful grandmother all praises and Glory To Our God, HalleLuJah.
Jesus will raign forever
The waves of Jesus Christ is on the move all over the world, Glory be to the most high Jesus Christ!