I am from the underground church in China. I can prove that the video is true. Our pastor has no salary. They gave up everything for the gospel. Because of the Communist Party’s persecution, Our church became an underground church. But it doesn’t matter. – Yángfān

No missionaries, No Bibles, yet the Chinese Church is experiencing explosive revivals on a daily basis.
Despite Christianity being outlawed in China, only very few places in the world have seen the explosion of God’s power like the underground Church in China is experiencing. This video shows the great revival, miracles and untold signs and wonders happening in China through the Underground Churches, which has seen many Chinese embrace Jesus Christ in their thousands. This is one of the rarest videos you could see.
Chinese Christians Weep, Rejoice and Cry For Joy On Receiving The Bible (Video)
After watching this video, I found that my spiritual life falls much lower than these great Christian believers. These Christians worship in truth and spirit, even though they don’t have Bible and also against of all odds. Seems God’s Love & Joy overflowing all over the Chinese towns, villages, paddy fields, farms & Cities in a powerful way. Look at their glowing faces, how beautiful is that proves their great conviction. Please pray for the Freedom of worship & salvation of China.
Watch The Video Below
Shared by strongtower27, the video drew thousands of comments, some of which are shared below;
Recommended: Why Many Chinese Are Becoming Christians
I am from the underground church in China. I can prove that the video is true. Our pastor has no salary. They gave up everything for the gospel. Because of the Communist Party’s persecution, Our church became an underground church. But it doesn’t matter. – Yángfān
Does anyone else feel totally ashamed of our lack of passion for Jesus? God help us to seek Him with the passion these people do. Our brothers and sisters! – Fred Ost
We are spoiled in the west. There is no persecution for our faith. God forgive us for our complacency. – Timothy Veckranges
All Muslim Family Members Accepted Jesus As Saviour As Jesus Healed Their Mother Of Cancer
I have been to China underground church. For a mission trip every year since 2012 please keep us in your prayers as we are about to go again next January. The passion in these brothers and sisters in the Lord can bring you to tears – Palkia King.
Meet Hudson Taylor, Founding Father Of Chinese Christianity. The Man Who Brought The Gospel To China
This is true Christianity. This is how the early Christians practised it. The Church has always grown the most during times of persecution. Because it’s the perfect opportunity for people to see the love of Christ in us. If you live in a free country and claim to be a Christian but are living easy, you need to reassess your faith. True Christianity is an offense to the world. True Christianity comes with persecution, hate..The Bible is clear. The world hates Christ. Does the world hate you? Our faith is not perfect health, wealth and God giving you everything you ever wanted. Most people are not cut out for the faith so I get why they are lukewarm. I am rebuking myself too. I have spent my life being a hypocrite and full of all kinds of wickedness. God have mercy on my wretched soul. – joashsmusic
Why Chinese Christians Memorize Entire Bible In Prison
Wayne Cordeiro, pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii, recently shared an experience he had on a trip to China. Wayne shared that instead of mourning and getting angry when imprisoned, Chinese Christians memorize entire Bible in the cell; “Government Can’t Take What’s In Your Heart,” they said.
Over 75% Christians In North Korea Die In Persecution
“In prison, you have much time in prison,” one of the women said.
“Don’t they confiscate the Bible?” he asked.
She said that while any Christian material is indeed confiscated, people smuggle in scripture written on paper and hide it from the prison guards.
“That’s why we memorize it as fast as we can because even though they can take the paper away, they can’t take what’s hidden in your heart.”
Tortured Evangelist Supernaturally Escapes Chinese Maximum-Security Prison by Simply Walking Out
Watch Pastor Wayne Cordeiro Share His Amazing Experience With Chinese Christians
Officially an atheist nation and a place where the government shuts down Christian churches, the number of Christians in Communist China is growing so astronomically that by 2030, it could have more churchgoers than any country in the world.
Lifelong, Famous Atheist Bill Hayden Receives Jesus At 85
In China
• Importing Bibles is forbidden, even if they are given away for free.
• Printing Bibles is forbidden, even if they are given away for free.
• Evangelizing or giving out tracts is forbidden.
• Government officials cannot be Christian.
• Police officers cannot be Christian.
• Soldiers cannot be Christian.
• Teachers cannot be Christian.
• Children cannot become Christian.
• Teenagers cannot become Christian.
China ranks number 23 on Open Door’s 2024 list of top 50 countries where it is most deadly to be a Christian.
I Denied Being A Christian To Stay Alive: North Korean Prison Survivor
Christianity Is Spreading In My Country: Iran’s Intelligence Minister Laments
I Was A Buddhist, Living In Darkness For Over 30 Years, But Jesus Christ Saved Me
May God Open effectual door of gospel in china;this challenges me
God is unstopable.Chines government can stop the use of Bible but cannot stop the sword of the spirit that penetrate into the heart of the people.Soon Chaines government officials will join the christian fold.Where there is no persecution,christian faith become cold,but persecution brings reviva.Let the lord help their faith to grow more and more in JESUS name.