site of david and goliath battle

Archaeologists Discover Site Of David And Goliath Battle

Archaeologists in Israel have discovered what they believe to be the site of a biblical city mentioned in the story of David and Goliath. Charisma...
today's lesson from the proverbs

Rewarding Evil For Good

Whosoever rewards evil for good, evil will not depart from him. Proverbs 17:13 Hear ye nations, organizations and individuals, whosoever country, organization, people or person,...
The Senior Suites of Rainbow Beach in Chicago, Illinois and alleged killer, Pastor Ted Merchant, 67 (inset). | (Photos: Facebook; Chicago PD)

Pastor Shoots and Kills Fellow Pastor over Bible Argument

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. 1 Corrinth 2:11. A 67-year-old retired pastor reportedly shot a...

Arrested and Charged For Drugs, Iranian Prisoner Finds Jesus Before His Execution

Before his execution on August 27, Alireza had asked his brother Mohsen to tell the world about his new found faith in Christ. A prisoner...

7year Old Samira Walks again, Thanks to Donation from Christian Networks

Samira, a young Ukrainian girl is now able to walk after a Christian ministry paid for her surgery and recovery. The seven year old little kid...

Brave Pastor Stops Trump From Talking Dirty Politics On Pulpit

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently spoke at a church in Flint, Michigan, but was interrupted by the church’s pastor when he began bashing...
evolution lies

Evolution Theory Suffers Yet Another Major Blow

The Darwinian mechanism of mutation and natural selection explains everything about life, we’re told—except how it began. “Assume a self-replicating cell containing information in...
religions_by_state in USA

Religion Contributes $1.2 Trillion Each Year to US Economy

It's not often that an academic report changes the conversation about religion in America, but one just did. Georgetown University professors Brian Grim and...

Biography Of Ruth Abioye

Ruth Abioye was born (August 22) to the family of Bishop David Abioye (the Senior Pastor of Living Faith Church, Goshen City, Km 26...
Need Peace With The Enemy? Please the Lord!

Need Peace With Your Enemy?

An average person believes there is an enemy somewhere responsible for all negativities and sometimes they are right. People have fought the enemies they...