Author: Juanita Johnson

When we have a meeting to glorify the Lord,
How we love to worship His name in one accord;
But the thought of parting always brings us inward pain,
For we know not whether we’ll gather here again.

Someday we’ll meet together, the time is drawing nigh,
When we have our fam’ly reunion in the sky;
We’ll gather ’round the throne of God to never say goodbye,
When we reach our mansion prepared for us on high.

We will pray the Father to bless and keep each one
With the peace He gave us through His beloved Son;
If we never meet again this side of heaven’s shore,
He will keep us faithful and true forevermore.

We’ll keep pressing onward in unity and love,
Waiting for our summons that’s coming from above;
God will wipe away the tears from every weeping eye,
When we get to heaven there’ll be no sad goodbye.

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