I have lived against God for the next 10 years. I embraced sin I have got involved in alcohol, I’ve got involved in drugs, I’ve got involved in sex, I’ve got involved witchcraft, fortunetelling, astrology, hallucinogens, New Age religions.

My name is David, when I was 20 years old, I turned away from God, I say “Turned away from God” but the fact of the matter is I never really knew God, I was so busy trying so hard to do everything myself to make my own way to God.
I completely missed the message of His love.
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I have lived against God for the next 10 years. I embraced sin I have got involved in alcohol, I’ve got involved in drugs, I’ve got involved in sex, I’ve got involved witchcraft, fortunetelling, astrology, hallucinogens, New Age religions. I did all of these. And at the end of these 10 years I realized that it was even more messed up than my own efforts to get to God.
And as I remember that was the year 1978 I looked up to the sky and I said “God if you are there do whatever it takes to make me right”. I was 30 years old at that time.
It took Him 5 years.
One of the first things He did was He moved me to the entirely different part of my country. He restored my children to me. And He introduced me to a Christian girl, who basically didn’t say anything to me. Didn’t try to talk me into to trust in Jesus, just kind of was place for He showed His love towards me. I came under the influence of this world.
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And at the age of 35 years old He basically miraculously delivered me from my alcohol addiction and showed me that He had been pursing me all of my life.
In October of 1983 I surrendered, I gave my heart to Jesus. I’ve just believed that God had the power to raise Him from the dead and if he had the power to raise Jesus from the dead then surely had the power to forgive my sins.
And my life has been different ever since that time.
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David’s story was originally published by mystory.me
God has good things 4 us all