I’m so overwhealmed by the goodness of God. Thank you Jesus, He has delivered me. For years of my life I was broken. I grew up in a home filled with disfuncions, alcoholism, separations.
My high school I was living on homosexual sin. I was living on pornography, I was depressed, suicidal, I had no idea my way. But nobody knew it because I had to masquerade my pain.
I Have Caused Pain To So Many People, Can I Still Be Forgiven? Can I Still Be Whole?
But God………., I used to ask why didn’t I have a relationship with you God. But I didn’t know, I just didn’t know He very loving, now I do.
At the age of 18 I gave my life to Jesus Christ and that was the best decision I ever made. I’m 27 now and I don’t even recognize what I was back then because God is so good.
He will deliver you. He loves you, trust Him, cast your cares on Him because He is mighty and Good. Halleluyah.
Nabila Sanda Galadima (Daughter Of The Galadima Of Biu) Converts To Christianity
Watch The Video Of This Testimony Below
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