Friday, March 14, 2025

Coronavirus: David Wilkerson 1986 Prophecy Coming To Pass (Video)

David Wilkerson, Pastor and prophet of Times Square Church in New York City, was a voice that many prophetic people respected for his accuracy,...




Emir Of Rano Bans Church Activities In Homes

Nigeria : In a country dominated by high religious persecution, and section dominated by terrorism and banditry, The Emir of Rano, Muhammad Isa...

Today in Christian History: April 3

1189 The Peace of Strasbourg was signed, resolving the differences between Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany and Pope Clement III. 1253 Death of Bishop Richard of...

Today in Christian History: April 2

307 Theodosia of Tyre, having commended Christians who are in chains for their faith in the market place, is seized and tortured. When she refuses...


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Stepping Stones – Hymn

I would not have my life go on, A level stretch, from sun to sun, And miss the glorious sights I get, From Calvary to Olivet. These rugged...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Trump’s Plan To Move US Israeli Embassy To Jerusalem Is ‘Great’ – Israeli Prime...

Trump delighted Israel's right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in September by telling him during a lengthy meeting that if he won the presidential election, the...

Sweet Hour Of Prayer – Hymn

Author: William Walford Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne Make all...


Billy Graham Describes The One Sin God Cannot Forgive

There is only one sin that God cannot forgive – and that is the sin of refusing His forgiveness When it comes to unforgivable sins,...

List Of Bible Heroines