‘He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness,
But shall have the light, the light of life’;
Walking in His footsteps, pure and spotless,
We are fully saved from sinful strife.

Walking in the light, walking in the light,
Walking in the light, the light of God;
Walking in the light, walking in the light,
Walking in the light, the precious light of God.

‘He that followeth Me shall have full assurance
That his sins are pardoned, every one’;
He shall have the knowledge of acceptance
In the Father’s well-beloved Son.

‘He that followeth Me shall conquer forever,
For I’ll interpose My grace and pow’r;
From My hand of strength there’s naught can sever,
If you will obey and trust each hour.’

‘He that followeth Me shall have peace and pleasure,
He that will reject My word shall fall;
I will freely give My hidden treasure
Unto those who hear and heed My call.’

‘He that followeth Me shall dwell safe in heaven,
And forever wear a starry crown;
But if you should die in sin’s dominion,
Awful fears of night will press you down.’

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