To the front! the cry is ringing,
To the front! Your place is there;
In the conflict men are wanted,
Men of hope, and faith, and prayer.
Selfish ends shall claim no right
From the battle’s post to take us,
Fear shall vanish in the fight,
For triumphant God will make us.

No retreating, hell defeating,
Shoulder to shoulder we stand;
God, look down, with glory crown
Thy conqu’ring band.
Vict’ry for me,
Through the blood of Christ my Savior;
Vict’ry for me,
Through the precious blood.

To the front! The fight is raging,
Christ’s own banner leads the way,
Every pow’r and thought engaging;
Might divine shall be our stay.
We have heard the cry for help
From the dying millions round us,
We’ve received the royal command
From our dying Lord who found us.

To the front! No more delaying,
Wounded spirits need thy care;
To the front! thy Lord obeying,
Stoop to help the dying there.
Broken hearts and blighted hopes,
Slaves of sin and degradation,
Wait for thee, in love to bring
Holy peace and liberation.

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