11/04/2021 Eritrea (International Christian Concern) – Christian priests in Eritrea are being targeted and killed by Eritrean forces, reported Release International in a November 3rd press release.

The ministry interviewed former prisoner of faith, Helen Berhane, who herself was imprisoned and tortured in Eritrea for over two years by government authorities.
“Eritrean troops are killing a lot of priests and raping their wives,” said Berhane.
“Some of the priests stand holding their crosses, so they cut their hands. And when the soldiers ask the priests to remove their hats, when they say no, they shoot them. Hundreds of priests are dying in this conflict at the hands of Eritrean soldiers,” she said.
Called “Africa’s North Korea” by some, Eritrea is a one-party state ruled by an oppressive, totalitarian government that is openly hostile to religion. Religious prisoners are often subjected to long or indefinite terms in prisons where they suffer unimaginably inhumane conditions.
Release is calling on churches to pray for Eritrea during the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on November 7.