Pastor Chris Donald, the Pastor of Students at Lifestyle Christianity University, recently shared a story and photos of himself preaching in a mosque in Iraq, with another Pastor who he identified as David.

Pastor Chris who is very passionate about demonstrating the love and power of Jesus everywhere he goes, shared the story on his Facebook page, stating that there were about 150 to 200 people in attendance at the mosque. The power of God was present to heal as over 50 people had the healing power of God come through in their lives and many turned unto Jesus Christ, declaring their faith in Him.
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Here’s what he wrote:
We had the amazing opportunity to preach the Gospel in a mosque. I can honestly say I have never done or heard of this happening before. After leaving I jokingly said on a scale from 1-10 how dangerous was that and one of the Iraqi translators said 12! There was anywhere from 150-200 people present. We started by praying for the sick. When we asked who was healed at least 50 people raised their hands. A few people fell over under the power of God and were healed as well. Then David preached the Gospel for the 20 min that he was given to share. They didn’t know that he would preach the Gospel. The leaders where on Facebook live and they where broadcasting it over the speakers in the streets as well. After David preached he asked for a response to follow Jesus many if not all the hands went in the air. It’s very hard to follow up and see what happened but we believe that many encountered God that night. I have never seen the power of God this strong in my life.
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Praise the LORD!!!!
comment:In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Jesus Christ the Same Yesterday, today, and Forever.
I pray that the name of Christ will be upheld in Middle East, North Africa and other parts of the world.
Comment:What an unmeasurable love is this Jesus still love and care for those who executes and persecute His fellowers Jesus is the Lord of all i have found out in every dispensation devil uses a certain group to unleash his terror on christians (the people of God) in the time past he used Jews and Romans at the end his plan was thwarted by God today he is using muslims and islams i know surely God will still expose him(devil).But my major concern i don’t know the continent he will use after Arab world maybe Asians then part of Europe because Chinas rusians are warming up in China i heard that their leaders has given directives that no press should print anything pertaining to churches its really a sign hmmmm
Jesus is Lord of all. To Jesus our Savior be ALL Glory!!!!!
for our God is able
It would be nice to read the article without an add covering the entire page.
wooow for our God is great than ever…its dangerous bt he had power of God with him
Glory to God
Am soooo excited
Thank you Jesus
Halleluyah !!! . Jesus is Lord over our lives. He is coming back again. We much preach the gispel to every creature.
The word of God is prevailing in every countey amd nations.
Gliry to God forever More. AMEN
Just want to comment on this article, Citizens of Iraq always share theirs believes together if they are Muslim or Christian. It is not the first time they held a prayer to praise Jesus “Issa in Muslim religion” because they believe he is a prophet that he is still alive. so they pray for him and go to church all the times. what is written in the article is just another way of proving points that are far from the truth and the true meaning of their reactions. they were modest with him and a good host
praise God
Wooow Thanks To God. This Is A Good News I Pray More Of This Happen Throughout The Muslim World, And May God Do Many Of This In My Life Also In JESUS NAME. AMEN