Till his death, Dr. Myles Munroe authored over 38 books on different life issues such as sex, family relationships, spiritual growth, finance with over 16 best sellers to his credit, translated in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Below is a list of some of his books:
- God’s Big Idea: Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose for Your Life
- Kingdom Principles: Preparing for Kingdom Experience and Expansion
- Myles Munroe on Relationship
- Myles Munroe on Leadership: Inspirational Insights for the Frontline Leader
- Overcoming Crisis
- Passing it On
- Principles and Benefits of Change
- Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage
- Purpose and Power of Praise and Worship
- Rediscovering the Kingdom
- Releasing Your Potential: Exposing the Hidden You
- The Most Important Person on Earth
- The Principles and Power of Vision
- The Spirit of Leadership
- Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men
- Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer
- Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman
- Understanding Your Potential
- Waiting and Dating
- Maximizing Your Potential
- 40 Days To Discover God’s Big Idea – A 40-day Devotional
- The Fatherhood Principle
- The Woman As She Was Meant To Be
- Uncover Your Potential
- How To Maximize Your Life
- The Purpose And Power Of Authority
- Understanding Your Place In God’s Kingdom
- Unleash Your Potential
- The Power Of Character In Leadership
- Single, Married, Separated, and Life After Divorce
- The Most Important Person on Earth: The Holy Spirit, the Heavenly Governor
- Becoming A Leader
- Wisdom From Myles Munroe
- Applying the Kingdom: Rediscovering the Priority of God for Mankind
- Burden Of Freedom: Discover the Keys to Your Individual and National Freedom
- The Principles and Benefits of Change: Fulfilling Your Purpose in Unsettled Times
- Applying the Kingdom: Rediscovering the Priority of God for Mankind
- In Charge: Finding the Leader Within You
Dr Miles Menroe was one of the best teachers who evr lived under the sun…Waiting&Dating helped me alot
Myles Munroe still lives on in my spirit. Your books, audios and video has never stopped blessing me and my generation unborn. You are a father and role model to my spiritual growth. I honour Gods kingdom servant of blessed memory. I am fortunate to hear and be a beneficiary to your global legacy.
Myles Munroe is the best writer, teacher, and visionary. The book “The Power and Purpose of a Vison” really changed my Life, I cannot get over it, even up to this day, it’s my Life manual. He did not only teach, but He is the proof of everything he wrote in His books, which gives Hope. I really recommend everyone to read this book.
I have undergone a complete transformation by just listening to Myles’ audios, looking forward to find any of his books right here in Kenya
Dr myles munroe, books, audios and videos has been and is still been a blessing to my life both spiritual and academically.
Yes indeed, Poster Mylie’s Monroe change my spiritual life, I was 100% convinced on his teaching of the Kingdom, which clarify and answer all the biblical doubts, and gave me a good understanding of God and his words, and I am so confident in sharing, preaching and teaching his words today
Thank you Gods for this wonderful life
This is awesome
Waooowww.. Glory to God
Most of Dr Myles Munroe’s teachings have enable understand bible mysteries such as incarnation. Thanks to God For using him nightly.
Most of Dr Myles Munroe’s teachings have enabled understand bible mysteries such as incarnation. Thanks to God For using him nightly.