1. Simon Peter. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Petros meaning “Rock”. His Hebrew name was Simon (John 1:42); brother of Andrew (Matthew 4:18). Occupation: Fisherman (Luke 5:1-5).

2. John. Meaning of Name and Relationships: John means “God is gracious”; son of Zebedee and brother of James (Matthew 4:21). Occupation: Fisherman (Mark 1:19).

3. James. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Greek – Andreas, meaning “Manly”, man; son of Zebedee and brother of John (Matthew 4:21). Occupation: Fisherman (Luke 5:1-11).

4. Andrew. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Greek Iakobos – the English word for Jacob meaning Israel or He Who Supplants His Brother; brother of Simon and disciple of John (John 1:40). Occupation: Fisherman (Matthew 4:18).

5. Philip. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Philippos, meaning “Lover of horses”; was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter (John 1:44). Occupation: Unknown, was in Galilee when Jesus found him (John 1:43).

6. Bartholomew. Meaning of Name and Relationships: bartholomaios meaning “Son of Talmai”; many scholars believe that Bartholomew is also know as Nathanael, a friend of Philip (John 1:45). Occupation: Unknown, was in Galilee when he met Jesus (John 1:47).

7. Thomas. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Thomas from Aramaic – te’oma meaning “twin”. Occupation: Unknown; best known for doubting the resurrection of Jesus until he could see and touch the wounds of the living Jesus (John 20:24-29).

8. Matthew. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Greek – maththaios – meaning “gift of Yahweh”) also called “levi” (Mark 2:14, Luke 5:27). Occupation: Tax collector (Matthew 9:9).

9. James. Meaning of Name and Relationships: son of Alphaeus (Matthew 10:3). Occupation: Unknown.

10. Thaddaeus, also Known as Judas son of James. Meaning of Name and Relationships: Lebbaeus whose surname was Thadaeus (Matthew 10:3), Judas, not Iscariot (John 14:22). Occupation: Unknown.

11. Simon the Zealot. Meaning of Name and Relationships: A Canaanite (Matthew 10:3), Called Zelotes (Luke 6:15). Occupation: Unknown.

12. Judas Iscariot. Meaning of Name and Relationships: “Iscariot” is from the Hebrew word “Ish Kerioth” meaning “a man from Kerioth”. Occupation: Unknown; best known for betraying Jesus (Matthew 26:20-25).

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