Sister Jennifer cried out to God and He responded with forgiveness and new life. She now works with a couple Churches in New Orleans and preaches outside the only abortion clinic in New Orleans.
Faith Is More Powerful Than Government And Nothing Is More Powerful Than God – Trump
Incredible Story Of Lesbian, Feminist, Atheist Professor, Rosaria Butterfield Who Found Jesus
She gave details of what happens inside many of those bars on Bourbon Street and how politicians, judges and police are involved in sex acts within certain buildings of the French Quarter. What a testimony to now stand with us against the very streets she worked on and just for record when she preached on Bourbon Street she mainly addressed the women walking.
Watch the full testimony below:
Lifelong, Famous Atheist Bill Hayden Receives Jesus At 85
Great Revival Sweeping Through Iran As Hundreds Of Thousands Come To Jesus Christ
Like to have the address to those who turn to Christ, so I can mail them scripture from ‘ Les Feldick Ministries.