Joyce Meyer is a Charismatic Christian author and one of the world’s leading Bible teachers and speakers. She is also the president of Joyce Meyer Ministries worldwide.
Joyce is a New York Times bestselling author, and her books have helped millions of people find hope and restoration through Jesus Christ. She also has her own syndicated television and radio program called “Enjoying Everyday Life” and a magazine titled “Enjoying Everyday Life”.
Childhood And Early Life
Joyce Meyer was born (June 4, 1943) as Pauline Joyce Hutchison in south St. Louis. Young Joyce was taken care of by her mother initially, as her father went into the army to fight in World War II soon after she was born.
Joyce Meyer Admits That What She Thought About Prosperity & Faith ‘Got Out of Balance’
She has said in interviews that he began abusing her upon his return, not just sexually but mentally, emotionally and verbally as well.
The exploitation left a deep imprint on the being of Joyce as she developed a derogatory sense of self. Though she looked perfect to onlookers, Joyce had become a victim of multiple personality disorder. She went to school but could not concentrate; neither was she allowed to participate in any after-school activities.
At a young age, Joyce was filled with a sense of self-pity. She was hardly manageable and developed a controlling, manipulative, insecure and harsh behaviour. She experienced a feeling of guilt and adopted a negative thinking that was powered by suspicion. Worst was that she never felt safe anywhere.
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Despite being victim of the maltreatment, Joyce did not give up on her studies and completed her graduation from O’Falllon Technical High School in St Louis.
Shortly after her senior year of high school, she married a part-time car salesman. The marriage lasted five years. She maintains that her husband frequently cheated on her and persuaded her to steal payroll checks from her employer. They used the money to go on a vacation to California. She states that she returned the money years later. After her divorce, Meyer frequented local bars before meeting Dave Meyer, an engineering draftsman. They were married on January 7, 1967.
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Meyer was briefly a member of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in St. Louis, a congregation of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. In 1976, She began leading an early-morning Bible class at a local cafeteria and became active in Life Christian Center, a charismatic church in Fenton. In 1980, She became an associate pastor in the Church. The church became one of the leading charismatic churches in the area, largely because of her popularity as a Bible teacher.

In 1985, Meyer resigned as associate pastor and founded her own ministry, initially called “Life in the Word.” She began airing her radio show on six other stations from Chicago to Kansas City.
WATCH! Joyce Meyer’s Hilarious Illustration On Becoming Like Jesus (Video)
In 1993, her husband Dave suggested that they start a television ministry. Initially airing on superstation WGN-TV in Chicago and Black Entertainment Television (BET), her program, now called Enjoying Everyday Life, is still on the air today.

By 2003, Joyce’s ministry grew by leaps and bounds and soon she was teaching citywide, statewide, countrywide and now worldwide through Joyce Meyer Ministries and her television, radio and magazine titles were changed to “Enjoying Everyday Life”. She teaches on hundreds of subjects based on her experience and how she applies the Bible to every facet of her life.
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Her ministry is headquartered near the St. Louis suburb of Fenton, Missouri.
Personal Life
Joyce holds an earned PhD in theology from Life Christian University in Tampa, Florida, an honorary doctorate in Divinity from Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and an honorary doctorate in Sacred Theology from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona.

Joyce and her husband, Dave, have been married since January 7, 1967, and they are the parents of four grown children.

Dave and Joyce Meyer make their home in St. Louis, Missouri. All four of Joyce’s children are involved in some facet of Christian ministry.
Joyce has authored over 90 self-help non-fiction books and a handful of fiction books.
In 2002, mainstream publisher Hachette Book Group paid Meyer over $10 million for the rights to her backlist catalog of independently released books.
Are we supposed to feel sorry for Joyce and condone her heretical teaching simply because of her rough beginnings. I think not. Joyce Meyer (whom I used to listen to daily before I woke up to her false teaching) is not a faithful teacher of the Bible . Please!! Christian beware!! Wake up and don’t be afraid to question and bring the light of the Holy Bible on this to exposethis error. I attach this reasoned response to the doctrines she (and many others of her kind in the unscriptural Word/Faith Movement) teaches:
6 Reasons You Should Stop Listening to Joyce Meyer
Daniel long July 18, 2014 61 Comments on 6 Reasons You Should Stop Listening to Joyce Meyer
Popular author and teacher Joyce Meyer has said some shocking things in some of her sermons and teachings. Many of those who listen to her have never heard her make any of the claims that I’m about to show you. These are clips that I have put together and uploaded to YouTube to show that I hope would cause any discerning Christian to have second thoughts about listening to Joyce Meyer. Folks, these teachings come straight out of the cults, and are extremely dangerous. All of these teachings can be found in the Word of Faith Movement.
1. Joyce Meyer said that Jesus went to hell to pay for our sins.
Nowhere do the Scriptures ever even imply this. If this were true, Christ’s words at the cross meant nothing.
John 19:30 When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
2. Joyce Meyer claims to get her teaching from direct revelation.
The Spirit wrote the Word. He would never say anything that contradicts it. Many of Joyce Meyer’s teachings contradict the Bible. The way God speaks to us today is not through direct revelation but through His Word. Red flags should start flying every time you hear someone say “God spoke to me.”
3. Joyce Meyer said that Jesus stopped being the Son of God at the cross.
This was also taught by the Father of the Word of Faith Movement, Kenneth (Dad) Hagin. Again, another teaching that contradicts Scripture. Jesus called God His Father while He was still on the cross.
Luke 23:46 Then Jesus, calling out with a loud voice, said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit!” And having said this he breathed his last.
4. Joyce Meyer said that she is no longer a sinner.
Not much needs to be said about this. Here are a few verses that contradict Joyce Meyer:
Jesus calls His own disciples evil.
Luke 11:13 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
John says that Christians should confess their sins to God.
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
John says that anyone who claims to be without sin is deceived and without the truth.
1 John 1:8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
John says if we say we have not sinned we make God out to be a liar.
1 John 1:10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
5. Joyce Meyer said that Christians are little gods.
Word of Faith teachers say that God created man as a little god. Kenneth Copeland for example teaches that Adam “was God manifested in the flesh.” However, Adam lost his godhood when he disobeyed God and ate of the tree that God commanded him not to eat from. Through this sinful act, Satan became the god of this world and Adam lost his godhood.
But thankfully God was able to thwart Satan’s plan by sending His Son to buy back our godhood through His death on the cross and suffering in hell. Now through faith in Christ, Christians are given back their “little god” status, and by growing in faith (becoming more and more aware of who they are as little gods) they can use the “force of faith” to get all that they desire from this life.
Of course the Bible teaches nothing of the sort. There is only one God, and we are to worship Him alone. Adam was created a man and not a little god. Nowhere in Scripture will you see anything that even implies this. Satan told Eve that by eating the fruit she would become “like God, knowing good and evil.” No! We were never created as “little gods.” This teaching is blasphemous and to embrace it will ultimately damn your soul.
6. Joyce Meyer said that Jesus was the first born again man.
This is another Word of Faith teaching that contradicts Scripture. Here Meyer echoes the words of Kenneth Hagin :
“Why did He need to be begotten or born? Because He became like we were, separated from God. Because He tasted death for every man, His spirit, His inner man, went to hell in our place.”
No! Christ became human at His incarnation. The Eternal Son of God, Second Person of the Trinity is the God Man, our New Adam, keeping the Law for us and dying in our place to pay the penalty for our Law breaking. He was not born again. He never needed to be born again. If He did then how could He be a perfect sacrifice for His people. God required a perfect sacrifice to pay for sins. If Christ had to be born again, then He was not that perfect sacrifice.
If you have been or are involved with the Word Faith Movement, we understand that you may not believe or agree with portions of this post. We ask that you prayerfully consider and research the matter on your own, asking God to lead you to the truth.
Sir, before you make accusations against your fellow believers, I’d suggest you search the scriptures well yourself. There are instances in the Bible where Children of God are likened to God’s because of the power we carry and because of the greater one who lives in us. And frankly Sir, this is a really wrong place to criticize her. The writer just wants us to know in depth details about Joyce. Non-Believers can drag each other out on the media, accuse and criticize eachother in public inapropriate places due to their ignorance and lack of light. But when Christians do that, thiisssss, it’s just sad. Really sad, and it breaks my heart because it’s not needed…🤦
As a Christian and believer I totally agree with Mark Rogers. Joyce Meyers has gone a few steps too far and lost all credibility. SAD!
Thank sharing the word of God and give us the straigth to stand in the word of God. I love you woman of God.
Thank you for sharing the word of God. I love woman of God
Absolutely love you!God has truly blessed you..you got me through the hardest attack in my life !! It’s still ongoing please keep praying for my son and myself..
Thank you 💞
Kerri McConkey and son Brayden Melius
WE ALL NEED TO REPENT, the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Mark Rogers stop speaking ill of the Gospel teachers, rather ask Joyce questions and more clarifications on her teachings instead.
A true teacher of the word don’t speak evil of another teacher in the public places like you do, but rather correct and rebuke in secreate. If you have issues with Joyce teachings why not call her attention?
Joyce has laboured in the Vineyard over the years, why then do you tell the world not to believe her teachings ? I confirm your opinion an illusion when you said Joyce teachings contradict the teachings of the Bible, I must tell you today that Joyce is a huge blessing to this generation that not even the power of hell can stop.
We can all shine in our own space and time, not necessarily we put off another Man’s light before our light should be seen, He has sent us all out with different gift and tallent, discover your’s today and hold firmly unto it till He returns.