Worrying is a natural response in many situations, and I’ve wasted many days getting caught up in it, Christian author and evangelist Joyce Meyer says as she speaks on breaking up your relationship with worry and Casting all your cares upon God.

I thought that was a normal way to live. But through the years, God has helped me end my relationship with worry. And He did it with the help of my husband, Dave.

Dave and I have been married for more than 50 years now, and every time I have come to him with a problem, Dave has had only one thing to say: “Cast your care.”

I didn’t always want to hear this when I was feeling frustrated and upset, but it’s exactly what the Bible tells us to do.

See Also: Joyce Meyer Shares How God Healed Her Of Cancer

First Peter 5:7 (AMP) says to cast, “all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully].”

In the dictionary, the word cast means “to pitch or to throw.” I think that description says a lot because if you’re going to end your relationship with worry, then you’re going to have to get aggressive about it.

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For example, we don’t have to accept every thought that comes into our head. We can cast out the wrong ones and let the right ones take root. And I find that my whole outlook changes as I say simple prayers: “God, I believe You’re working in my life, and I’m expecting something good to happen today.”

I’m not saying we should ignore our problems, wishing they’d just go away. We need to see them for what they are, but we can’t let them keep us from choosing a hopeful, positive attitude that says, “I believe God is in control!”

I like this saying: “Worry sees the problem. Faith sees the God who can handle the problem.”

The question is, do your problems know where they stand in relationship to God in your life?

Get Your Eyes Glued on God

I love the story of Abraham, who at 100 years of age, believed God would give Him a son and make him the father of many nations. He chose to look beyond his circumstances and believe God. I’m absolutely amazed by that!

The Bible says that God can “do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think” (Eph. 3:20b). So no matter what our circumstances look like, we just need to keep our eyes on God.

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Maybe there’s something happening in your life right now that you just don’t understand, and it’s causing you to worry. Instead, you can choose to say, “I don’t understand this and it hurts right now, but I believe God is going to work it out.”

If you’ve already wasted a lot of your time worrying, I encourage you to break up with worry. Instead of giving way to anxious emotions, you can do what God has urged me to do all these years: Cast your care.

In time, God’s good plan will be revealed.

“Worry sees the problem. Faith sees the God who can handle the problem.”

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