President Donald Trump sent his best wishes Monday and told a press briefing that: “All Americans are praying for him, he’s a friend of mine, he’s a great gentleman and a great leader.”

United States President Donald Trump and other World leaders have rallied around U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, sending him their best wishes and wishing him a speedy recovery after his admission to an intensive care unit Monday evening as his coronavirus symptoms worsened.
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Trump sent his best wishes to the prime minister Monday and told a press briefing that: “All Americans are praying for him, he’s a friend of mine, he’s a great gentleman and a great leader.”
President @realDonaldTrump expressed America’s well wishes to Prime Minister Boris Johnson for a speedy recovery.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 6, 2020
Johnson also received support from various European leaders wishing him a speedy recovery.
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French President Emmanuel Macron tweeted Monday: “I send all my support to Boris Johnson, to his family and to the British people at this difficult moment. I wish him a speedy recovery at this testing time.”
I send all my support to Boris Johnson, to his family and to the British people at this difficult moment. I wish him a speedy recovery at this testing time.
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 6, 2020
Johnson’s team said Monday that the prime minister was still conscious and not yet on ventilation, however. Johnson himself had tweeted Monday afternoon that he was in “good spirits.”
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Last night, on the advice of my doctor, I went into hospital for some routine tests as I’m still experiencing coronavirus symptoms. I’m in good spirits and keeping in touch with my team, as we work together to fight this virus and keep everyone safe.
— Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 6, 2020
Meanwhile, Germany’s government spokesman tweeted a photo of Chancellor Angela Merkel and Boris Johnson together, and expressed her wish for Johnson to have a speedy recovery.
Kanzlerin #Merkel wünscht dem britischen PM @BorisJohnson viel Kraft und gute Besserung und hofft, dass er das Krankenhaus bald wieder verlassen kann.
— Steffen Seibert (@RegSprecher) April 6, 2020
Chancellor #Merkel wishes @BorisJohnson much strength and a speedy recovery and hopes that he can leave hospital soon.
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