Who We Are
We are a people sent to the nations, governments and powers of the earth as the voice of reason, possibilities and hope.
We are the instrumentality of catalyzing change and centralizing God in the governance of nations.
Our mandate is to turn the kingdoms of this world to the kingdoms of the Lord and of His Christ.
We are people who always seek to give hope and to be at the forefront of driving change both spiritually and governmentally.
We exist primarily as a fully functional church and, conceptually, as a governmental force for change, good governance and leadership.
The Vision
A governmental church, an authoritative and powerful institution, generating solutions, influencing policy, providing clarity.
Scriptural Support: We are here to undo the oppression under the sun [Ecclesiastes 4:1-3; Ecclesiastes 5:8-9]. How can we break the yoke of oppression and ensure good governance in our nation and the nations of the earth? The answer was provided a long time ago. And to accomplish that the salt must live its saltshaker and get involved [Isaiah 9:6&7; Isaiah 33:20-24; Matthew 5:13-16; Ephesians 4:1-6.]
The Mission
To Build the capacity of the Church to take on her governmental role, minister to the lost as well as the polity and exemplify the love of Christ by loving God wholeheartedly and loving people intentionally.
Strategy for Fulfillment
We operate in two diverse capacities as Kings and Priests. This is the whole essence of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Our primary capacity will focus on preaching the gospel, salvation of souls and discipleship of men. While our conceptual capacity will focus on nation-building and the governmental (political) mandate of the church (Discipling the nation).
Our values impact our culture and internal processes. Members must be creative, intelligent, multi-disciplinary, and cultured.
In order to function fully in the dualism that is now CGCC, church training must inculcate 2 Dimensions – Biblical foundations and Secular skills, to raise a new crop of believers who are well rounded in Biblical truths and doctrine and possess the necessary skills and knowledge required to excel and impact the world.
We focus on building the younger generation and preparing them to receive training and experience development in the areas of Biblical Foundation and Secular Skills. The goal is to equip them to change and impact their world.
In the light of the global dimension, the international relations department will be responsible for hosting international experts and facilitating international speaking engagements for the Serving Overseer on Policy and Governance.
CGCC will focus on the conceptualization and development of solutions to issues locally and internationally with structures put in place to circulate these policy solutions to key stakeholders. This will go a long way to making CGCC a recognized voice for good governance and policy formulation in Nigeria.
Effective communication channels must be set up for CGCC spanning the Web, Social Media – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. YouTube, etc. Our message and outreaches must be tailor-made especially for the budding and emerging saints who strongly perceive God’s calling in this present generation “M-The Millennials.” Consequently, we must amplify the voice of reason that is our collective heritage.
We must also maintain a vibrant Public Relations/CSR outfit, publish Charity/NGO Impact Reports, Testimonials as well as other regular publications, and have varied external engagements.
Regular Publications: The Serving Overseer’s Books, Articles, Speeches, lectures and Thoughts on Economic, Political and Social Issues. Traditional Media: Radio, TV, Newspapers.
The Citadel Global Schools which comprises of the following:
– Crèche, Nursery and Primary Schools.
– The Citadel Leadership Academy/School of Government – A school where people can enroll to take short courses on politics and governance.
– The Citadel Business School/ Skills Acquisition Centre.
– Family Focus: Parenting & Finishing Schools.
Core Values
Our Leadership Values at the CGCC include:
- Compassion (sensitivity and empathy).
- Intelligence ( smart, clever, and have insight).
- Responsibility. (Responsive, responsible and accountable).
- Judgement. (Must have sound judgement: Those who err in vision stumble in judgement. He that is spiritual judges all things and is not judged by any one).
- Influence. (Must be impactful. Romans 1:4-5).
Our 4-Dimensional Operational Dynamics
We exist as a Churchin the House; Church in the Community (Congregation); Church in the City; Church in the Cloud.
Our 4-Dimensional Growth Dynamics
-To grow up
-Grow big
-Grow very rich
-Grow together.