In this powerful broadcast from April 2007, February 2014 and March of 2015, Kim Clement prophesied extensively and accurately about Trump Presidency, Impeachment, Iran, North Korea, Israel, The Cyrus who would rise up, and the sound of the Trumpet.
Kim Clement Prophecy On Trump Impeachment
They will shout “impeach, impeach” but this will not happen…”~Prophet Kim Clement, Feb. 22, 2014.
The United States Senate Acquits President Trump of abuse of power, obstruction of justice on Wednesday as Kim Clement’s 13 Year Old Prophecy comes to pass
‘God Is The Ultimate’: Trump Talks About His Faith In God (Video)
The third Senate impeachment trial of a sitting president in US history concluded Wednesday afternoon with votes finding the President not guilty of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, the impeachment articles the House charged Trump with in December.

The event that just happened had long been prophesied by Prophet Kim Clement of blessed memory. One of the most talked about prophecies on YouTube, viewed by more than 1.2 million people (yet virtually ignored by the media) is by the late Kim Clement. In 2007, he prophesied in a service in Redding, California, that “Trump shall be a Trumpet,” and even more startling: “God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray.”
Kim Clement’s 2007 Prophecy Of Trump’s Presidency Included 2 Terms And Building Of Walls
In Redding in 2007, Clement also prophesied: “There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people. Yes, I will. God says. The One that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, ‘He has hot blood.’ For the Spirit of God says, yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly, says the Lord of hosts.”
Only in hindsight can we notice what he said about Trump having “hot blood” or that he would build walls of protection or help the economy boom. But most interestingly of all is that he said, “Listen to the Word of the Lord, God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts.”
…And then there is a nation He showed me, He took me, itching for a new kind of war with America. They will shout, “Impeach, impeach,” they say. But nay. This nation shall come very suddenly, but it shall not come in the time of President Obama. It shall come when this new one arises. My David, that I have set aside for this nation … They will shout, ‘Impeach, impeach!’ but this will not happen.
‘In America We Don’t Worship Government; We Worship God’ – President Trump
“God says, ‘Once you recognize the man that I have raised up, pray. For the enemy will do everything in its power to put a witch in the White House.’ For Jezebel has chased away the prophets and even Elijah. Now I have said, ‘Go back.’ For this shall be dismantled so that there will be no more corruption in the White House,” says the Spirit.
Kim Clement was a prophet who has accurately prophesied of future events around the world, many of which has come to pass, exactly as he said.
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Kim, who prophesied Trump presidence almost 10 years earlier, died just days after President Trump was elected, after suffering from a brain bleed and other medical complications for more than a year. He was 60 years old.

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“Kim’s prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience”. “He has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners. His diverse, extemporaneous perspective gained him a notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform.
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Satan has devised a evil plan. He’s trying to steal the prophetic time line. He’s trying to nullify 2 prophesies, because he knows if he can do this he’s nullified not just 2 prophesies, but he’s made God’s word Null & Void, & with not effect. But God see’s his plot & won’t allow it, but instead will use a 3rd prophecy to stamp out Satan’s plan.