This is the summary of year 2025.
There is a dark cloud hovering in the atmosphere across the globe. Please pray against this dark cloud that wants to engulf people and the whirlwind that wants to blow people away. You need God’s direction and guidance to manoeuvre through the journey of year 2025. The proud will be greatly humbled in 2025.

2025 Prophecies For The World, America, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa & Others

1. This is a year to be faithful to God in prayers and have a closer relationship with God.

2. There will be serious economic crisis in different countries of the world including the most developed countries. It will be more pronounced in the third world countries.

3. Those in authority (Political, Religious, Judicial, Economic Leaders) who are in the occult their secrets will be exposed. The end is coming gradually and they will be humbled.

4. Unless there is genuine repentance by those in authority Nigeria will become divided and separate into different countries, the cracks are already showing because the foundation is faulty.

5. The rules of creation have been betrayed and it is causing serious crisis across the globe. There is need to retrace our steps and go back to God.

6. Let youths be warned against vices that may cause great havoc. They must be careful because mental illness will be on the increase this year. Parents should pray for your children fervently throughout 2025.

7. Pray against great incidents and crisis in South Africa, Indonesia, Korea, Zimbabwe and China this year

8. Pray seriously against incidents that may cause multitude of deaths this year. The signs have started manifesting from 2024.

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