- He was a prince of ISIS, someone other ISIS members swear allegiance to and will die for.
A “Prince of ISIS” has done what many would consider unthinkable, making a commitment to turn away from his horrifying past to unite with a new way of life through Jesus Christ.
The former ISIS leader, whose identity has been disguised for his safety, is being called Mohammad. The miraculous circumstances that led to his transformation were reported by Dr. Michael Youssef of Leading The Way ministry.
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When Muhammad* first met a Christian leader named Peter, his plan was to execute him. But thanks to God’s miraculous intervention, a different outcome unfolded.
Peter, a coordinator for Leading the Way Ministry, received a call late one night from a man he believed to be a prince of ISIS – one who leads others into jihad. The caller, Muhammad, asked Peter to meet him. Even though Leading the Way teaches coordinators to protect themselves by first evangelizing over the phone, Peter felt the calmness of the Holy Spirit wash over him, and decided to go.
The man on the other end of the phone with Peter turned out to be a spiritual leader in the terrorist group. Even though Peter knew it was possible that Mohammad may try to kill him, he believed God was leading him to go ahead with the meeting.
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Peter knew full well that the meeting could go one of two ways: 1. His own death, 2. Muhammed’s radical, life-saving transformation. He risked his own life in hopes of gaining a brother in Christ.
“Muhammad heard that I evangelize to Muslims,” Peter told Leading the Way. “He got my number and called saying that he wanted to meet and talk.”
Peter did not approach Muhammad hesitantly; God prodded him to proclaim the Truth boldly – even in the presence of a potentially hostile anti-Christian. Peter followed God’s lead, asserting “Our God is not yours.” He wanted Muhammad to know that his previous experience with an impersonal religion was no comparison to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
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Muhammad became irate upon hearing these piercing words – words that contradicted everything he had ever known. In line with his training, he began to devise a plan to kill Peter in cold blood. According to Muhammad, Peter’s sharp words had “awakened Muhammad, the radical one.”
But before he could execute his deadly plan, Muhammad started to cry. To this day, he does not know why. Peter put a hand on his shoulder and began praying. Muhammad stormed out, clearly affected by this encounter.
Peter left the premises, knowing he had done all he could to bring Muhammad to Christ. For a full transformation, he would wait on God’s perfect timing.
In a reenacted testimony, Mohammad opened up about his dramatic shift from Islam to Christianity. “One day, somebody asked me why I am a Muslim,” he said. Scrambling for answers, Mohammad began to search in the Quran, Hadith, and Sunnah.
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“I wanted to find proof and evidence that Allah exists and Islam is right… I found nothing,” he said.
But that wasn’t the initial reason why Mohammad met with Peter. He says he had just wanted to kill Peter, but during their first encounter, Peter boldly spoke the Word of Jesus over the ISIS leader.
The meeting did not end on a positive note. Mohammad became frustrated and struggled to grasp what Peter had told him about who God really is.
Then the two met for a second time.
The ISIS leader deceived Peter initially. “When we met, he told me he wanted to believe in Christ. But I felt that something was wrong. At the prompting of the Holy Spirit, I began to speak to him very directly about the God of the Bible.”
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As Muhammad listened to the truth, something unusual happened. “He began to tremble severely,” Peter recounted.

“I put my hand on his shoulder and started to pray. Then we parted ways.”
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Only a night or two later, Muhammad had a powerful dream about the blood of Jesus. Muhammad dreamed that Peter handed him an envelope seaping with fragrant, sweet blood. His senses were overwhelmed by the almost perfumatic scent of the blood. But Muhammad, who was no stranger to blood, was petrified in the face of this particular blood. In his dream, Peter spoke to him, “Do not be afraid.”
He woke up the next morning shaken, and went to see Peter to understand more about Christ.
“I explained the Gospel to him about the blood Jesus shed on the cross for the atonement of sins,” Peter said. “That very day, he told me that he wanted to become a Christian. Since then I have discipled him, and recently he was baptized.”
Shortly after Muhammad became a Christian, he confessed that he had intended to kill Peter.
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“He was a prince of ISIS, someone other ISIS members swear allegiance to and will die for,” Peter said. “He was planning to execute me. . . . Now, this former Prince of ISIS treats me as one of his brothers.”
Muhammad said of his conversion: “I was urging people toward jihad. But when I interacted with Leading The Way’s follow-up team and heard the Gospel, I experienced a love that doesn’t exist within Islam. This love compelled me to become a Christian and be baptized. . . . Today, I live to be a servant of the Lord Jesus and make Him known to all people.”
Muhammad is now leading a Bible study for three Syrians in his town.
Leading The Way’s Founder and President Dr. Michael Youssef says that this is just one of many stories the ministry has heard from radical Muslims who have come to Christ.
“What we are seeing God do is remarkable,” Dr. Youssef said. “Muslims who said they had a vision or a dream of Jesus tune in to our teaching channel or reach out to our follow-up team. And there they hear about the very one whom they saw in a dream telling them that He loves them and died for Him. . . . We are witnessing a powerful movement of God. The Lord is moving in unprecedented ways, and Muslims are coming to know Jesus in numbers previously considered impossible.”
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Jesus come to save sinners which I was a chief,I love my brothers boldness and courage,well I was like him when I don’t know christ jesus,I persecuted the body of christ and I done many havoc but who ever known that a time will come like these ,that I shaibu will confess jesus as my lord and saviour,so I am encourage about my brother Mohammed the prince of ISIS,I pray with the prayer of the saints will bring many of our brothers to the fold,I love this poss it really encourag me and strengthing me of what God is doing among my people,I am encourage,peace.
I’m so happy for you Mr. Shaibu Yohanna for finding Jesus. There’s Peace, Love and Joy in Jesus. Welcome to the fold
WOW……………Thank God for you, Lord Jesus please get more people for the Kingdom……..Welcome to the fold.
What a joy to witness a Damascus-like experience in our time. May you become mightier than the great Apostle Paul in your reach to the sons of Ishmael. Jesus be praised forever. Amen
Great news indeed. I pray that God will continue to move in our time to turn those who dare to harm us Christians into an instruments of his kingdom. I encourage and also pray for you all who are working in God’s vineyard to experience the greatest outpouring of the Holy Ghost to water the seeds you are sowing in the lives of others who do not believe in Jesus Christ Amen.
Let God be lifted higher because he uses the negative situation to show his mission. Praised be unto God.
O glory, God’s unbeatable authority is undeniable. Halleluiah!
ALL Glory to GOD in the highest , GOD pls save more of these kind, Muslim Hindus, atheist,and all idol worshipers need CHRIST LOVE AND FORGIVENESS. THANK YOU FOR THE SOUL OF PRINCE OF ISIS. Christians ride on through CHRIST JESUS all over the world.
Jesus is Lord u re welcome in JESUS name I pray when d world is going to come to an end we will all make it in JESUS name(Amen)
Praise God
Praise God! Jesus Loves even the one cannot understand that he is killing God’s chosen generation and saves both the life together.
May all the glory be to God , our creator.May the Lord continue to make more of our lost brothers instruments of peace.Amen
Thank you Lord Jesus for you do miracle so great and there is non like you.
Lord Jesus I thank you for revealing yourself to the world that you love them. There is joy in knowing the saviour, Jesus Christ. God bless you Mohammed and other people that have come to him. For those that are yet to know Him as their Saviour, Lord, please, touch them. Amen.
Good desires dat all men be saved and com to the knowledge of truth. Good devices means 2 see dat no one is lost and destroy… So dat they can see the marvelous light which is in Christ Jesus….
You are Saul in recent time. God purposely called you for a greater mission God bless you.
He chooses the foolish things to confound the wise, God remain God, his name is to be praise
Glory to God
Jesus, during His earthly mission, some 2,000 years ago promised that when He is lifted up He will draw many souls to Himself, and it is happening life in our time despite the persecutions. Brother Muhammad you are welcome to the family of God Most High on earth (the Church). Christians all over the globe must continue to pray and lift the name of Jesus wherever they live for the sons of Ishmael to be saved. We pray God will continue to encounter all the ISIS leaders like He did to Apostle Paul on his deadly mission to Damascus and use them to win their brothers. Jesus is building His Church across the globe and the gates of hades shall not prevail against her.
Glory to the living God we serve for he still in his miraculous business.
The next thing is, let him expose those behind the killing if realy he repent.
Amaniya and Praise be to YAHUWAH OUR CREATOR. May His Almighty name be Praised forever more. Be all Glory and Honour and Reverence and Kingship be yours o’ YAHUWAH MY GOD . AMANIYA
Great joy in heaven.. Praise God..
Paul was a persecutor of early Christians but God changed him… So does with this man.
Glory to God in the highest. Lets pray the more that the wind of salvation will continue to blow in the Middle-East, Asia, Africa and in all other parts of the world.
Jesus is Lord!
On first sight,this story looks a dream. Jesus is comming personally to start a mega revival mission. Be humble and welcome him. Welcome Lord Jesus.
Looks a 2017 Conversion. The 2 year experience with Christ has given Peter,the preacher,confidence to proudly proclaim that Muhammad’s conversion was total. Was a point of no return.
Praying for all those witnessing for Christ in foreign faiths. The LORD Is by your side.
God that has started the good works will complete it in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus
Praise the LORD! God is doing great wonders across the globe. Even in nations where the grip of Satan through the hold of Islam has kept men in bondage and darkenss, the King of Kings that holds the keys to every nation and to every heart is recieving a harvest of souls in territories that humanly it is almost impossible to win men for Christ. Hallelujah! Christ is King of the nations and the hold of Islam will break.
Halleluyah! Glory be to God in the highest.My brother MMohammed, welcome to the fold. May the lord use you mightily after the order of apostle Paul to bring great number of conversions especially in the islamic world to Christianity.