Author: Barney E. Warren, pub.

I love the dear Redeemer’s name,
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
To cleanse my heart from sin He came,
Praise Him, O my soul!
He came, a gentle Shepherd, kind,
The lost and wearied lambs to find,
And with His love their hearts to bind,
Praise Him, O my soul!

Praise His name! O praise His name!
Evermore His love proclaim:
Praise Him, O my soul!

He came the hungry ones to feed,
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
And for the wand’ring sinners plead,
Praise Him, O my soul!
He safely gathers to His fold,
From off the mountains bare and cold,
Each one more precious far than gold,
Praise Him, O my soul!

My heart from guilt and woe is freed,
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
I’m dead to sin, yes, dead indeed,
Praise Him, O my soul!
He came to bear my load of grief,
And give me constant, sure relief,
By simple trusting and belief,
Praise Him, O my soul!

He came to cheer me on the way,
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
And teach me how to watch and pray,
Praise Him, O my soul!
He gives me grace the cross to bear,
That I a crown at last might wear,
And reach my heav’nly mansion fair,
Praise Him, O my soul!

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