“…It’s time for one prayer wave after another prayer wave of government and Church leaders and freedom fighters of faith to storm a ‘Normandy Beach’ called Washington, DC, believing God for victory on the anniversary of our independence.” -Rev. Merrie Turner

The Honor of your Presence is Requested to attend the Liberty Prayer Breakfast to Worship & Pray for America, the “Office of the Presidency.”
July 6th, 2019
7-11 AM
Trump International Hotel
Washington DC
Presidential Ballroom
Psalms 33:12
Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord!
Hosted by Reverend Merrie Turner
[Presidential Inaugural Prayer]
People of faith will gather to celebrate America and make an appeal to Heaven according to II Chronicles 7:14. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves in prayer and turn from their wickedness, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.”
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Rev. Merrie Turner, Host of the 2017 Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast stated, “The observance of the D-Day Invasion and recognition of the liberators like my father who lead the fight for freedom, parallels the spiritual battle being waged for the very soul of America. It’s time for one prayer wave after another prayer wave of government and Church leaders and freedom fighters of faith to storm a ‘Normandy Beach’ called Washington, DC, believing God for victory on the anniversary of our independence.
“Deuteronomy 30:19 says, ‘I have set before you life and death; therefore choose life.'”
An American Breakfast Buffet will be prepared by the Trump Hotel Chef and served.
RSVP, Reservations, Tickets and more info, Click Here.
Dress Attire is Business to Formal.
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