Herschel Walker has expressed his disapproval of restrictions on worship gatherings that have been implemented by some states and localities to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
“We keep hearing the importance of Freedom of Speech.. but let’s not forget we have Freedom of Religion. Never give up our right to worship! If we can protest, we can get back to Church!” the Heisman Trophy winner and former NFL running back wrote in a tweet accompanying a 32-second video
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We keep hearing the importance of Freedom of Speech.. but let’s not forget we have Freedom of Religion. Never give up our right to worship! If we can protest, we can get back to Church! #WWJD @tylerperry @drtonyevans @FoxNews @cnn pic.twitter.com/gWtPoy91Y0
— Herschel Walker (@HerschelWalker) August 7, 2020
The 58-year-old weighed in on what some consider a First Amendment double standard. While many state and local governments have enacted restrictions on worship gatherings during the pandemic, some officeholders have supported and even joined ongoing protests and marches after the death of African American George Floyd in police custody on Memorial Day, according to Christian Post.
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“I just saw that the First Amendment — freedom of speech — and people are protesting,” Walker said. “You know, peaceful or not peaceful. But I also saw that we have the freedom of religion.”
“Why are we not going to church?” he continued. “Why are we not fighting to go to church? You know, we can do peaceful church outside. Think about it.”
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