Trump Has Done More To Reach Out To Evangelicals Than Previous...

US President Donald Trump has done more than any previous president, including George W. Bush, to reach out to evangelicals, says First Baptist Church...

Massive Campaign Blanks Jerusalem Ahead Of Trump’s Arrival

When the US President Donald J. Trump arrives in Jerusalem, he'll find his supporters have preceded him with billboards, banners and front-page advertisements in...

Please Pray For Vietnamese Believers Beaten For Their faith

Please pray for Donh, a Vietnamese believer who was severely beaten by a local police officer in the first week of July 2016. “The...

Christian Persecution Soars Ever Higher In India

Please pray for the Christians in India, especially those who are suffering daily persecution. The number of persecution incidents in India keeps soaring higher each...

Pastors Arrested In Asia Face Cruel Treatment

Four pastors were arrested in April for organizing a secret meeting. One pastor shared their traumatic ordeal with an Open Doors worker that for...

Premature Baby Born At 28 Weeks Survives Major Heart Surgery

There were many risks involved..........Despite the risks, the two-week-old boy pulled through A premature baby boy born at just 28 weeks stunned doctors in India....

Pastor John Hagee Says Trump Will Soon Face A ‘Truman Moment’

In the days to come, I pray God grant Mr. Trump the wisdom of Solomon and the courage of Truman The founder and senior pastor...

Only 24% Of Americans Believe Bible Is Literal Word of God...

This is the first time in Gallup's four-decade trend that biblical literalism has not surpassed biblical skepticism A new Gallup poll shows that only 24%...

North Korea’s Christianity Growing Amid Persecution

Despite the persecution faced by Christians in the world's most difficult place for Christians, the church continues to grow there, Kim Chung-seong, a North...

God Still Works Miracles: Man Says After Losing His Son

The truth is that God remains the same and my response needs to remain the same In an interview with CBN, Jesus Culture's Chris Quilala...