The people of Iran are disillusioned with Islam and they are looking for answers to life. They are not finding answers in the traditional forms of state religion or the faith of their ancestors. They are looking for new answers, they are not happy and satisfied where they are spiritually. A large number of these people are actually having dreams and visions about a shining man dressed in white far before we are out there telling them about Jesus.
A great revival is going on inside the Islamic Republic of Iran, Christian believers who have planted an “Internet church” in that heavily restricted Middle East country have disclosed.
The Underground Revival That Might Take Down Islam In The Middle East
This may come as a surprise to many, but Christianity is growing faster in the Islamic Republic of Iran than in any other country in the world. Tens of thousands in this overwhelmingly Muslim nation are abandoning the Islamic faith and turning to Jesus Christ.
It may surprise you that one of the fastest growing churches in the world is in Iran. Despite Christianity being outlawed in the Islamic Republic, Iran has the fastest-growing house church movements in the world. Yet that’s the assessment of those who have seen and heard the remarkable story of millions turning away from Shiite Islam and turning toward Jesus Christ.
When someone gets baptized in this house church, people clap and cheer like fans at a World Cup match. While they’ve suffered persecution and often fled for their lives, they still possess an infectious and joyous faith like Iranian believer Raizal.
Iran Christians Celebrate New Believers In Mass Baptism
“Right now you can see the results of the Holy Spirit,” Raizal, one of the believers, told CBN News in Turkey where he was interviewed. “From 1994, there were about 100,000 believers. Right now, there are over 3 million. You can see what the Holy Spirit is doing with the people,” Raizal said.
He said this is happening despite the constant threat, danger, and risk for the believers.
Raizal explained that since churches are banned in Iran, believers use the Internet to connect to churches in the United States, Canada, Germany, and Malaysia via Skype.
“The main church is my house, and through the Internet I connect to everybody,” Raizal said. “That’s why it’s become like an Internet church.”
Tens Of Thousands Of Iranian Muslims Are Turning To Jesus Through Watching Christian Satellite TV
He said many of the new believers embraced Jesus Christ after having a dream or vision of Him.
He himself dreamt of Jesus a “long time back” and since then Jesus has been with him. “And in all of my life, He was helping me and I didn’t know who was this person. Suddenly Jesus Christ was over there and He said, ‘Come to me.’ And I came to that side and He accepted me,” Raizal told CBN News.
He said many of the believers have fled to Turkey for fear of their own lives. Despite the hardship they are facing at the moment, the believers exude joy as they remain hopeful that they would eventually achieve refugee status and immigrate to other countries, he said.
Iran’s intelligence minister admitted publicly for the first time that Christianity is spreading throughout Iran.
Iranian Christian Convert Leads Over 1,500 Muslims to Christ
Iranwire.com reports Mahmoud Alavi, the Islamic Republic’s intelligence minister, was giving a speech in front of several Shia Muslim clerics when he announced “Christianity is spreading in “parts” of Iran.”
Some of the Iranian refugees who have fled to Turkey said they are glad to have “come out of the darkness.”
As he waits for the U.N. office to grant him refugee status, Christian Afshin told CBN News that he can now do things in Turkey that he could not do in Iran like speaking about “God’s Word to other guys,” freely praising the Lord and attending church service.
Afshin said he attended the church led by American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who languished for years in an Iranian prison. That church was disbanded following Abedini’s arrest in 2012, he said.
‘In America We Don’t Worship Government; We Worship God’ – President Trump
“As a result, I came out of Iran because day by day it was more difficult and it was more risky for me also,” he explained.
Another Iranian Christian Samira says, “It is like coming out of darkness and into the light. We are so thankful to be able to freely praise our Lord.” God is moving,” she added, “Not even Satan’s strongest army can crush the faith of Christians in our country,” Christians In Pakistan.
Raizal is urging Christians worldwide to pray for the Church in Iran.
Muslims Turning To Christ In Great Numbers Through Dreams And Visions
“And I’m just begging, really, from the other believers, from other sisters and brothers from all over the world, to pray for Iran and to all the people of Iran to find new God and be familiar with God, with Jesus Christ,” he said.
Iran ranks 9th on Christian support organization Open Doors 2020 World Watch list of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian, but this does not stop the rate at which Jesus Christ is winning the heart of the people unto Himself.
Terrified By Spread of Christianity, Iranian Politicians Order Mass Interrogation of Christians
FB allows a large ad to appear over much of your text page…obscuring much of the page. I tried to get it blocked. Then another ad popped up! Same size. Same deliberate(?) Blockage…I scrolled through your article ANYWAY! THO I COULD READ ONLY a few lines at a time.
Yes I saw same! But Gods Word trumps ALL of the enemy’s petty moves❤️
Use a different browser like duck duck go or firefox. They will block alot of ads since they are private servers. I had no problems with DUckDUckGo.
Praise the Lord for this move of God.I advise people to download duck duck.
Good browser.
Another browser to consider: Brave.
Same happened to me on my phone and I gave up. But when I viewed the article on my desktop computer the ads didn’t pop up. Thank you God.
I didn’t see it.
declare God’s victory completely in Iran and worldwide
praying continuously and will be Halleluyah Amen.
Amazing!! God is moving!!
I am praying for all our brothers and sisters in Christ that are in Iran and Iraq that God almighty would remove the scales of blindness that there is no other name to get to God but by His son JESUS!
Eloise, same thing happened to me …six times! Finally article came through! They DON’T want us to know about the Holy Spirit’s move in these countries. Praise God! Jesus is coming to them in visions and dreams just like the bible said in the “last days”.Amen
I agree in prayer for the souls in Iran to know their true Savior.
In him is fulness of Joy and at his mighty Right hand are pleasures forever more🙏✝️💕
I am praying for our brethren and sisters in Iran and Iraq and Syria, that God in heaven will open their eyes to see Jesus Christ as indeed the promised messiah.
By faith in Jesus Christ, we are saved into God’s kingdom.
Jesus said” I am the way, the truth and the life. No man goeth unto the FATHER but through me.”
Great news! We pray that God will keep them from falling.
Amen! Praise be to GOD and our LORD JESUS CHRIST!
I pray for brothers and sister in Iran and every state where it is difficult to be a Christian that God will preserve their lives and give them grace, courage and open doors to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ the more and bring out those in bondage into Gods marvelous light in Jesus name Amen
God is moving in a mighty way all over the world in other to establish His word ” Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel”.
After this I heard what seemed to be the loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, crying out, “Hallelujah!
Salvation and glory and power belong to our God.
Having lived in some of these Moslem countries I find this difficult to believe, However, God is able to do far above whatever we ask or think. And if this is true, praise God and I sincerely hope it is. God has promised that before His return there will be a major outpouring of His Spirit and thousands will turn to Him. And along with wars, rumours of wars and earthquakes in diverse places, we are much closer to His return.
That is so true. There are very special children being born at this time. People are saying that they seem so aware and a strong spirit. There is a rising generation for good. Admire these honest people who are risking much for what is of greatest worth to them. Yes and visions are showing love and that they matter and are cared for and they have a work to do.
God’s EYE IS on the sparrow nd I know HE watches over JIS children, AMEN
The gates of hell shall not prevail. The church is marching on. More grace of faithfulness to the brethren at Iran
How were these people converted what did they do, what teaching did they obey
I pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Iran that Father will keep them safe and that there will be more harvest. Glory to Him.
Luke 17:22 Then He said to the disciples, “The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it.
23 People will tell you, ‘Look, there He is,’ or ‘Here He is.’ Do not go out or chase after them.
24 For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other, so will be the Son of Man in His day.…
May the true God of all creation fill their souls with his spirit and His word that all may come to the understanding of His truth. That his people might be saved.
I hope and pray that many of the “muslims’ here in the US are really converted Christians. Due to 0bama’s effort to keep any Christians out of the immigration stream, the chance of having converts was almost nil, but The ONE TRUE GOD is the ONE TRUE GOD. Nothing is impossible with Him. He knows His children by name, whether they are familiar with Him, or not. Before the trumpet blast of Jesus return, ALL of God’s children from EVERY nation kindred and tongue will know in whom they believe and God will have marked them as his own !! Spread the good news-the gospel of Jesus Christ , America ! Time is growing short !
May God bless the Christian in Iran
His mercy endures forever! Praise the Lord!!!
“As he spake these words, many believed on him. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my WORD, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you FREE.” John 8:30-32 — Daily Bible Study PODCAST at truegospelchrist.com
Thank you Jesus…..for their salvation,endue them with the zeal of your house…it
is a great news
Comment: Yes He will really save you for in Him is life everlasting. The revolution has just started
Glory be God Almighty for His mercy endures forever. Even in Iran the light of His Son, Jesus is manifesting.
How can a someone worshiping human being and son of maryam have moral to teach the religion of islam which loves both prophets with their proper place of humanity…very rediculous….
Everyone has the right to change his belief in way he like..,but dont preach as if muslim convert to other religion….as muslim includes all with right pace
@ Qualkidan, — for your information, Christains are not worshiping human being as you ascribed.But I think you need more knowledge and I pray that Jesus appears to you for your conviction and conversion.
Since death could not stop Jesus from ressurecting from death; the Iranian Authorities can never stop Christainity from growing in Iran.
All over the world the Spirit is moving All over the world as prophets saids, it will be. All over the world, there’s a mighty revelations of God’s glory as waters cover the sea. As long as the Spirit of God is in this world, He is moving to glorify The LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Oh God our Precious Father, with You all things are possible. When light comes darkness cannot comprehend it. Behold These beloved brothers and sisters in Iran and other parts of middle east. Shower Your sweet love on them and uphold them with Your Mighty Power In Jesus Name. Amen.
God has a promise to the believers in Iran who love the Lord Jesus Christ of their eternal rescue: Jeremiah 49:39 39 But it shall come to pass in the latter days, That I will bring again the captivity of Elam, Saith the Lord. Revelation 3:10, KJV: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. These Iranian believers in Christ have hope to survive and outlive to prosper beyond the divine punishment of the Government and military that have oppressed them for many decades.