CNN’s Chris Cuomo closed a recent program by saying we didn’t need help from the Almighty, instead we just need to “believe in one another” and “do the right thing for yourself and your community” and that would make things better for the country.
During Friday’s Cuomo Prime Time broadcast, host Chris Cuomo asserted that instead of trusting God to get us through these uncertain times, we should look “within us” for the answers.
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“If you believe in one another and if you do the right thing for yourself and your community, things will get better in this country,” Cuomo said, according to CBN News.
A 13-second clip of this moment from the broadcast went viral on social media, Tuesday with many Christians speaking out against the television host.
Here’s a cleaned up, not-pointed-at-the-TV version of Chris Cuomo’s crazy ending to Friday’s show: “If you believe in one another and if do the right thing for yourself and your community, things will get better in this country. You don’t need help from above. It’s within us.” pic.twitter.com/r4daRrv4Jn
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 1, 2020
This isn’t the first time the self-professed believer has criticized petitioning the God of the universe for help here on earth.
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In 2018, Cuomo criticized people offering their “thoughts and prayers” to the families of gun violence victims rather than taking action.
In November 2018, Cuomo responded to a string of deadly shootings in the US by mocking prayer:
“First, I would like to offer my thoughts and prayers, because that’s what you do when you offer ‘thoughts and prayers.’ You mock those who lost loved ones because if you gave it any thought at all, you would never walk away from any of these without figuring out a better way to deal with them,” Cuomo asserted.
“And prayer? You think leaving it to God is the answer?” the host questioned.
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“So what are you praying for? What would it take?” Cuomo asked, before adding a jarring anecdote, “How about a stadium full of children of the most influential people in our society, all holding puppies. What if they were all shot and killed. Would we act? Oh, don’t be ridiculous — more ridiculous than doing nothing time after time?” he concluded.
Recall that Chris Cuomo’s brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo also dismissed God when the number of COVID-19 cases in New York began to decline earlier this year.
“The number is down because we brought the number down,” Cuomo said back in April.
“God did not do that. Faith did not do that. Destiny did not do that. A lot of pain and suffering did that” he asserted.
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