A video showing Chinese Christians shouting for joy and even crying after receiving their first Bibles has sparked a range of emotions from believers around the world.
The video shows the underground Chinese seminary students receiving their first Bible. When the boxes were opened, they all converged on the box to make sure they got their own copy. Each one then kissed it and wept as they held their first, personal copy of the Bible. They had finally received the book that gives life! This is how Chinese students responded when they received Bibles.
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That’s why we fight those who are trying to strangle the Church around the world by banning, burning, or blocking the Bible.
In efforts to stunt the rapid growth of Christianity in China, authorities throughout the country have shuttered a number of prominent house churches and arrested Christians for worshiping without the approval of the government, but this has not stopped the growth of Christianity in the communist country.
Faith Is More Powerful Than Government And Nothing Is More Powerful Than God – Trump

This however, has not stop the rapid growth of Christianity in the country, Growth of Christianity in China has become astronomical, and Yes, Atheist China could have largest number of Christians in the world by 2030.
Chinese Christians Memorize Entire Bible In Prison, Says Gov’t Can’t Take What’s In Your Heart’
Chinese Christians imprisoned for their faith are seen to be memorizing Scripture passages smuggled to them on small pieces of paper because prison guards “can’t take what’s hidden in your heart,” one former prisoner revealed.
How Young People Are Leading Massive & Explosive Revival In China Daily – Video
China is ranked number 23 on Pesercution Watchdog, Open Door’s list of top 50 countries where it is most deadly to be a christian.
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Jesus Christ said to Apostle Peter and his fellow disciples that: “…upoy this rock, (upon your confession) l will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18b. Jesus shall reign wherever the sun shines, even in Communist CHINA.