Born-again Christian Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who said she prayed to God for years before her husband joined her in the church, told a group of Christian women in a recent sermon that if they chase after God their husbands will chase after them too.

“Ladies, it was years before I had my husband sitting in the pew next to me,” Boebert explained in an impassioned sermon at the Charis Christian Center, a nondenominational church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, on Saturday.
“For years I interceded, wanting my husband [Jayson Bobert] by my side, praising God, living out this God kind of life that I knew was far better than anything else that was going on. But ladies, if you chase God with everything that you have, your husband will chase after you chasing God,” she said.
The Republican congresswoman from Colorado and mother of four, who said she became a born-again Christian 12 years ago, is facing down online rumors that she had two abortions in her past and worked as an escort.
On Saturday, however, the 35-year-old was focused on the transformative power of Christ in her life.
“It has been such an incredible journey to watch that transformation. I’ve seen it in so many other marriages. But we serve a God of life, a God of resurrection, so when things seem dead, praise the Lord! Because He is amazing at bringing things back to life,” she said.
Boebert, who is a member of New Creation Church in Glenwood Springs, also urged women to value their role in their families and not doubt their self-worth.
“I speak with so many women who feel they don’t have a purpose because they are not on an elevated platform. And I look back on my life and some of the greatest purpose … was in my own home,” she said.
“Influencing my children, influencing my husband, showing him forgiveness when there shouldn’t have been any in the natural. Showing him honor when my flesh wanted to dishonor him. Respecting him when that wasn’t the natural course,” she continued.
The Republican congresswoman who is a strong gun rights advocate owns Shooters Grill in Rifle, where waitresses carry firearms openly while serving customers, also told her audience that when God asks them to forgive, it’s because He has given them the power to do it.
“God doesn’t tell us to do those things because it’s easy. God tells us to do those things because He has graced us to do them. Grace isn’t just something sloppy that just covers up your sin. Grace empowers you, grace strengthens you. This is the divine reflection of God in your heart that other people see.
“This is what grace is for. It is amazing grace,” she said.
“God doesn’t tell you to forgive people, to honor people, to respect people because He wants you to be a doormat. He knows that you can’t do that on your own and that you’ll have to tap in to what He has for you. None of us can do what God has called us to in our own strength,” she added. “We need that grace. We need the Holy Ghost. We need that anointing because anything that God has called us to is much bigger than ourselves, and if we can do it in our own strength then it’s not God.”