Dr. Myles Munroe was a father, pastor, preacher, teacher, best-selling author and motivational speaker who traveled round the world pulling a crowd of about 500,000 people annually including government leaders, business men and women, students and church congregations in the past forty years.
Myles Munroe was the founder of the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI)
He was a mentor to millions of people, both Christians and non-Christians.
Munroe also served as a business consultant to Fortune 500 companies and corporations.
Early Life and Education
Myles Egbert Munroe was born on April 20, 1954 into an impoverished family of 11 in the suburb of Bain Town in Nassau, Bahamas. Raised in the Nassau suburb of Bain Town, he was a life-long resident of the Commonwealth.
Munroe said he discovered who he was at the age of thirteen after being insulted by his teacher who called him several names such as ‘black monkey’. he said, one of those nights, he was disturbed and couldn’t sleep until his mother showed him a bible passage (Ephesians 3:20), which he believed opened up a new page of his life.
Myles later attended Oral Roberts University (ORU) where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts, Education, and Theology in 1978 and a Master’s degree in administration from the University of Tulsa in 1980. Munroe also received honorary doctoral degrees from various schools of higher education and served as an adjunct professor of the Graduate School of Theology at ORU.
Personal Life
Dr. Myles Munro was married to Ruth Munroe, who served as co-pastor with him at BFMI. Together, the couple had two children, Myles, Jr. (known as Chairo), and a daughter, Charisa. He always emphasized that his family was his greatest responsibility and his marriage was his most sacred trust.

Following his graduation from the University of Tulsa, Dr. Myles founded Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) in the early 1980s, he also founded the Myles Munroe International (MMI) – an outreach center which includes leadership training institutes, a missions agency, a publishing company, a television network, radio and Web communications, and a church community.
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He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute as well as the author of numerous books.
His career was not without controversy: In March 2014, he was criticised by his country’s Foreign Minister, Fred Mitchell, for comments about the LGBT community in the Bahamas. Munroe had said that Mitchell’s support of LGBT people in the Bahamas didn’t “represent the majority of the convictions of the Bahamian people.” Mitchell replied, “Once again Dr Myles Munroe has returned to a theme he does not understand and obviously which he has no knowledge.” Mitchell said Munroe’s “absolute stupidity and wilful deceit is parading around in the pulpit disguised as theology.”
In September Munroe again stirred controversy at home, following a gay pride event. In a statement entitled “Homosexuality – Phobia or Principle”, people, he said, have “hijacked” and “raped” the civil rights movement with their fight for LGBT rights.
Backed up by quotations from the Bible, he also proffered alarming views on womanhood. “The male was created by God to create what he wants,” he said. “The woman you are looking for, brother, does not exist. She is in your head. Your job is to take the raw material you married and cultivate her into the woman in your head. So if you have been married for 20 years and you still don’t like the product you get, that is your fault.”
Munroe was especially influential in Africa, arguing that African nations are underdeveloped due to the poor quality of their leaders. “Leadership determines everything in life,” he said. “Nothing happens without leadership. Whether you are talking about an organisation, church or nation, everything depends on leadership for success. Leaders determine the quality and attitude of their followers. If your country is not effective, it is the fault of its leaders not its people.”
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A regular traveller to Latin America as well as Africa, Munroe was also chief executive and chairman of the International Third World Leaders Association. “The greatest tragedy in life is not death,” he wrote, “but a life without a purpose.” He believed that “Death can never kill an idea. Ideas are more powerful than death. Ideas outlive men and can never be destroyed.”
Dr. Munroe placed emphases on the Kingdom of God and believed that the whole Bible, along with the message of Jesus, revolves around the kingdom and not a religion.
Dr. Munroe died in a plane crash, along with his wife Ruth and members of his Bahama Faith Ministries, during airport approach on 9 November 2014.

Bahamian officials stated their aircraft struck a crane at a ship yard near Grand Bahama International Airport. Munroe and the other passengers were en route to Freeport, Grand Bahama for a conference.
Awards and honours
- 1998: OBEfor “services to religion”.
- 1998: Bahamian “Silver Jubilee Award” for service to the Bahamas in the area of “spiritual, social and religious development”.
- 2004: “Alumnus of the Year”, Oral Roberts University.
Till his death, Dr. Munroe authored over 38 books on different life issues such as sex, family relationships, spiritual growth, finance with over 16 best sellers to his credit, translated in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Myles Monroe was a great man, I miss him.
His death is colossal loss to the entire globe. He was such an amazing teacher of the word.
Comment:myles munroe he was a best teacher for real i cant say how he was:
The principles which the Lord the Holy spirit reviewed through him for the benefit of the human race,have the potential to transform any soul that decides to follow it.And may the Lord strengthen Jr.Amen.
Comment:What can i say about this man that can precisely describe his influence in this world? May his soul rest in peace.
As far as I am concerned, Dr. Myles Munroe is not dead. He lives in books on millions of shelves and homes, lives in CD’s and DVD’s and most important, he lives as words in hearts of millions.
Dr. Myles Munroe is an influence on my life. He is my mentor in the Ministry of teaching. He lives forever in my life through his teachings. I bless God for his beautiful life and continue to pray for the repose of his blessed soul.
Comment:Myles is a great man,the globe has loss a great inhabitant.May God strengthens his ministry and children
I am doing a leadership assignment for school and I chose Dr. Myles Munroe for his influence and impact on the World in the areas of the Kingdom of God and leadership. I hope that I can have an “idea” that lives on after I am gone just like him and Pastor Ruth.
Myles Munroe he was so wonderful i like that man to me he is still alive
Thanksful to God for his life and his continued impact on my life.
Dr Myles has really touched many lives with his books and CDS which makes me feel he is alive.He is mentor and there is never a doll moment whenever i read or watch his speaks.
Dr Myles has really touched many lives with his books and CDS which makes me feel he is still alive.He is my mentor and there is never a doll moment whenever i read or watch him speaks.
Dr. Myles Monroe is a very unique preacher. His messages cause me to really do my homework, to read and read and read the Scipture. I learn a lot from him and continue following other messages…..
Dr Myles is different his messages cause me to really change my ways iv learn a lot from him thank u
Am from Zambia africa this was truly a leader
My life transformed because of his sermons and books…. So profound and eye openning…
He surely fulfilled his purpose on earth…he was and even in his death still a project of providence to our generation and many more to come…
Am Phiri Mumbo Mbikose from Zambia
He surely fulfilled his purpose on earth…he was and even in his death still a project of providence to our generation and many more to come…
Am Phiri Mumbo Mbikose from Zambia
I believe my life has just been transformed for the goods of God’s purpose for my life; A leader of note…. truly a MAN OF GOD.
Six years post his death, but his teachings and knowledge of the True word of the Lord, and the core understanding of the scriptures hits home like it was recorded yesterday.
PRAISE BE TO GOD for his life in our LIVES…
His books has thought me some hidden things about life and purpose.
I can’t forget the life changing encounter I had after reading one of his many books titled “The pursuit of purpose ”
Continue to rest with the Lord my mentor and best author.
After conducting my own research i only knew him in 2019 when i heard his teaching and i now study and live by his words and principles on life he was such a great person wish i had met him what he did with his life only God can do it
Dr Myles Munroe one of the wisest and greatest teachers of the word to ever walk the face of the earth in our time.
I have been listening and reading to his sermons . I have learned a lot from this wonderful man of God . May God continue to Bless this Ministry !!!!
The man has really blessed my life,his truly my hero and mentor
my mentor my hero
Hmm, a great tree has fallen! But we thank God for loaning such a wonderful and courageous person to us. You are forever cherished. If i become whom i am in the future… all credits will be loaded to you. Love so much.
My life coach, mentor amd role model
Dr myles Munroe had deep insight of life and his knowledge and teaching skills are not of this century; His results are audible of his success His greatest teachings of purpose, character,mind e.t.c are real life applicable tools for success may his soul rest in peave Truly he exploited his potential.
He did something that outlasted his life, as he said that ideas cannot die, he left us with his mind and we keep benefiting from him.
My life coach and great mentor. His soul rest in eternal glory.
He did something that outlasted his life, as he said that ideas cannot die, he left us with his mind and we keep benefiting from him.
My life coach and great mentor. His soul rest in eternal glory.
He was a bold Kingdom invader who represented God for real. He said things many people cannot say and thought through them with grace, truth and firmness. My Mentor my Model.# A kingdom invasion will arise
Dr. Myles Munroe was an unparalleled leader, his words of wisdom will continue to transform future generations. He lived by the principles he preached, and that is undeniable proof that the Kingdom of God is all powerful.
Been watching tonight about his preaching about The understanding the Power of Fasting. I was blessed and touched! After watching I google his name and wanting to know about Him more, as a baby Christian I waa Shocked when I found out thật he’s already gone. He’s a great preacher surely I read more of his books and watch and listening more to his preaching. He is a Hero
Pastor Myles, one of a kind teacher of God’s word, embodiment of wisdom. A man who has the gift of turning sheep to lions with knowledge from the same Bible I’ve heard preachers preach for years, only to get this magnificent transformation from watching his videos on YouTube, 8 years after his death…Now who’s to say he’s dead when he still does the work of transforming lives even to future generations… Long live my Mentor Myles.