The militants likely disturbed the notoriously short-tempered animals

You may have read a story about a pride of lions protecting Christians by attacking ISIS militants. Well, now the Islamic Group has fallen foul of wild boars! Reports are coming in of three ISIS fighters being brutally killed by the beasts whilst on Iraqi farmland. The militants had been trying to remove the animals near Kirkuk in the al-Rashad region when the boars went on a “rampage”, Iraqi News reports.
The three Islamic State militants were cut down by the feral boar known to inhabit Kirkuk in the the al-Rashad region, a local news site claims.
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The animals went on a rampage near a farmland in al-Rashad region, an Islamic State pocket 53 kilometers south of Kirkuk. They attacked the militants and left three killed, according to the source.
Yahoo news reports that the ISIS fighters were gearing up to ambush some Iraqi tribesmen when the wild pigs struck. The militants likely disturbed the notoriously short-tempered animals, said Sheikh Anwar al-Assi, a chief of the local Ubaid tribe and head of the group of local tribesmen who took up arms after ISIS took control of the nearby town of Hawija.
Islamic State militants have regularly executed civilians in Kirkuk over accusations of collaboration with security forces or attempting to flee the province to refugee camps.
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Sheikh Anwar al-Assi, a chief of the local Ubaid tribe and supervisor of anti-ISIS forces, told The Times of London the militants were hiding on the edge of a field about 50 miles southwest of Kirkuk when the boars overwhelmed them Sunday. Five other militants were injured, al-Assi said. He said the group was poised to attack a band of local tribesmen who had fled to nearby mountains since militants seized the town of Hawija three years ago.
“It is likely their movement disturbed a herd of wild pigs, which inhabit the area as well as the nearby cornfields,” he said.
Al-Assi said the militants had summarily executed 25 people attempting to flee the militant’s would-be caliphate in the three days before the boars attacked.
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send them all to me
God is most high!!!!!
Hahahaha.Muzzies eaten by pigs.It is their worst nightmare!!!
Yes it is!
Karma at it’s finest
Hoping that they kill more of them
Yes good old piggies get them all……
i am not sure they are old. but they are wonderful beautiful intelligent creatures of God. They must be young and fit….bravo the wild boars
It is only fitting that the ISIS fighters become part of the animal they see as unclean!
Who can battle with the Lord?