“Who Controls The Nigerian Church”: Methodist Denominations Divide Over LGBT Affirmation

Bishop John Wesley Yohanna - United Methodist Church
“Nigerian Bishop Johnwesley Yohanna and his cabinet resigned from The Nigerian Episcopal Area Of United Methodist Church.”

The mostly theologically liberal United Methodist Church and the theologically conservative Global Methodist Church are each claiming control of a regional body based in Nigeria.

The UMC Nigerian Episcopal Area comprises four regional bodies known as annual conferences, with a reported 560,000 members.

The GM Church released a statement on Wednesday announcing that its Transitional Leadership Council officially welcomed Nigerian Bishop Johnwesley Yohanna and the four annual conferences into membership with their denomination.

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According to the conservative denomination, the Southern Nigeria, Central Nigeria, Northern Nigeria and Northeast Nigeria Conferences voted unanimously to end their affiliation with the UMC and join them.

However, days before the GM Church released its announcement, the UMC Council of Bishops issued a statement saying that Yohanna had resigned as bishop and the liberal denomination had appointed an interim leadership team for the Nigerian Episcopal Area.

According to the announcement, the UMC bishops assigned Bishop John Schol, Bishop Eben Nhiwatiwa and Bishop Patrick Streiff to serve as the interim episcopal team for the Nigeria Episcopal Area through December.

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GM Church Transitional Connectional Officer Keith Boyette told CP that their information on the matter “came directly from those in positions of authority on the ground in Nigeria.”

“They informed me that unanimous votes were taken at the duly called special sessions of each of the four annual conferences in Nigeria to withdraw from The United Methodist Church and to align with the Global Methodist Church,” Boyette said.

Boyette explained that his denomination has “appointed leadership for each of” the four Nigerian conferences and is “moving ahead to receive congregations and clergy into membership in the Global Methodist Church.”

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