- “Everybody, bring your Bible into school and do not be afraid.”

The annual ‘Bring your Bible to school’ day is almost upon us, and it is set to be a big one! This year’s event will take place on Oct. 5, with a national campaign aiming to encourage the open reading and sharing of scripture in our schools.
“Students across the nation will celebrate religious freedom and share God’s love with their friends,”Bring Your Bible declares.
“As a Christian student, you can be a powerful voice of hope at your school! In the Bible, it’s often young people who lead the way for the rest of their culture by providing an example of spiritual boldness and taking a courageous stand for their belief in God.”
356,000 showed up to school with their Bible last year, but let’s pray for double that in October! Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson has even got involved to help raise awareness for the campaign.
“I just wanna say, if you are bringing your Bible to school, you are legit,” says Sadie. “That is so awesome! The word of God is so important.”
“The Bible has got me through everything in my life up to this point and it will continue to guide me along the way,” Robertson continues. “I think it is so important to make that stand to hold it in front of you and walk into the school building. That’s absolutely amazing.”
“Everybody, bring your Bible into school and do not be afraid.”