An LGBT activist appointed by the United States President Joe Biden administration to serve as the U.S. Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of “LGBTQI+ Persons” reportedly earned a six-figure salary while working in the position that previously existed under the Obama administration but was left unfilled by President Donald Trump.
Jessica Stern was appointed to the position in September 2021, a role previously held by Randy Berry from its inception in 2015 until 2017. Stern is only the second person to assume the position, and was the leader of the LGBT advocacy group Outright International before Biden appointed her to the role of special envoy.
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According to public records cited by Open Payrolls, Stern had a reported pay of $183,100 in 2022. The report noted that this is 152.6% higher than the average pay for federal agency employees and 164.0% higher than the national average for government employees, according to The Christian Post.
In a 2021 statement to CNN, the White House said that the special envoy would help implement the “Presidential Memorandum on Advancing the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons Around the World.”
“At a time when the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons are increasingly threatened in all regions of the world, the Special Envoy will bring together like-minded governments, civil society organizations, corporations and international organizations to uphold dignity and equality for all,” the White House stated.
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During an April 2022 special briefing, Stern said of the Presidential Memorandum that Biden signed near the beginning of his term that it “makes clear that promoting and protecting the human rights of LGBTQI+ persons is a U.S. foreign policy priority.”
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