Practicing any religion that is not sanctioned by the government is punishable by death in North Korea. In fact, 100 percent of all defectors interviewed said there is zero religious freedom in the country.

It is widely understood that there is virtually no such thing as religious freedom in North Korea.
No less than 75 percent of North Koreans who are persecuted die for their faith, according to North Korean defectors.
‘In America We Don’t Worship Government; We Worship God’ – President Trump reports that the Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) interviewed 11,730 North Korean defectors who had escaped to South Korea.
North Korea is number one on Open Doors World Watch List of countries where Christian persecution is the worst, a position it has maintained for 18 years.
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Practicing any religion that is not sanctioned by the government is punishable by death in North Korea. In fact, 100 percent of all defectors interviewed said there is zero religious freedom in the country.

Additionally, 98 percent of defectors said the only facilities for worship are located in Pyongyang and are simply there as a display for tourists.
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The defectors also said that 80 percent of those taken into custody by the state disappear and their whereabouts remain unknown.

Christian persecution ministries have advocated for action to be taken to investigate the human rights abuses perpetrated by North Korea.
Last month, the ministry Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) released a report expressing deep concern over the persecution many face in North Korea. CSW advocated for launching a United Nations Commission on Inquiry to further investigate the country’s crimes, according to Christian Headlines.
As the report explains, religious freedom in North Korea is “largely non-existent” and faith-based persecution has been common place since the 1950s because religious beliefs are “seen as a threat to the loyalty demanded by the Supreme Leader.” While Christians are the main target of abuse, Buddhism and Shamanism are also practiced in the country and “suppressed to varying degrees.”
“Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.” Hebrews 13:3

Pray that whatever their circumstances, God’s word and will for salvation will prevail, Pray also that their witness would inspire those who seek to harm them. Acts 19:20, 2 Thessalonians 3:1, 2 Thessalonians 3:2.
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I’m asking to be listed among those who receive updates and News letters on the persecuted Christians globally. I need this for prayer mobilisation among believers in my sphere of contact
I Think it is terrible this day and age that we don’t have the right to worship and praise God ,Will be keeping all those today in prayer so that we all have religious freedom to Worship God where and when we uuu
No Christian no Muslim no Buddhist should stand and call for un to solve this why we don’t have the rights to worship whom we wants..peace be with you my bro.very well said
May God give them the grace to keep their faith. Amen.
God is theire justice.
May GOD protect you and maintain your faith in Jesus Christ AMEN
May God gave us more Power of thy Holy Spirit and strenght to face whatever problems we may encounter in life..
Djævelen har travlt i dag, det er de sidste tider før udfrielsen. Herefter skal djævelen bindes i 1000 år
The United Nations should stand up and put an end to this brutality in North Korea against Christianity.
what nonsence!
How can they bow to their former leaders and they can’t even show respect to God.
This has to STOP!
how many are willing to come stay in Zimbabwe and serve their lord in peace
Why is there no protection for them in North Korea.
This is so bad, Everyone needs to a right of worship, we are praying for you.
I pray for you dear Brothers and Sisters every morning.
May God forgive them they don’t know what they are doing
I don’t think it is your right to say that. You are not being persecuted. It is the right of the persecuted to pray that.
Philippians 2:9-11
God is good and adways be . Miracle working God
Never mind,the blood of those Christians will serve as seed for the spread of the gospel.So d more they are persecuted or killed the more believers we will have in that country. I only pray that those dying will die in Christ indeed.
Apostle Mattasi Doughlas Uganda.
I want to assure you from Matthew 10:28, donot fear them.
God says to you, joshua 1:9, just believe and pray with me.
if possible pray with me on whatsapp number +256755515538
China could do something but they are persecuting christians as well.
KING JESUS, come and help us to liberate this nation. Break through the iron-curtain and glorify your Holy and glorious Name once again. Prove to Kim that YOU alone is both Lord and King! Amen!