Written By Johnson Oatman, Jr.
If thou wouldst have the dear Savior from
Walk by thy side from the morn till the even,
There is a rule that each day you must
Humble thyself to walk with God.
Humble thyself and the Lord will draw
near thee,
Humble thyself and His presence shall
cheer thee;
He will not walk with the proud or the
Humble thyself to walk with God.
Just as the Lord, in the world’s early ages,
Walked and communed with the prophets
and sages,
He will come now if you meet the conditions:
Humble thyself to walk with God.
Just as the stream finds a bed that is lowly,
So Jesus walks with the pure and the holy;
Cast out thy pride, and in heartfelt contrition
Humble thyself to walk with God.