From Atheist To Christian: Jessica Jenkins Shares Amazing Testimony

Suddenly I felt so convicted deep down. Just thinknig about these things on my drive home, I just stopped and I broke down. I...

Everything Changed When I Encountered Jesus In A Dream: Jewish Girl...

In just one second, like the flick of a switch, my eyes were opened to see that this how God loves me. That I...

Pray For Muslim Convert Preacher Nabeel Qureshi As He Fights Cancer

Nabeel Qureshi is a leading evangelist, Muslim convert, preacher and author with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). But since last August, his busy speaking...

A Bible And A Cell: A New Life For Jailed Jakarta’s...

We met him in prison with our Muslim siblings, we hugged, we cried. The whole thing happened so fast. Jakarta's once hugely popular Christian governor...

Pennsylvania Council Votes To Remove A Bench Because Of ‘God’ Reference

Men who aren’t governed by God will be governed by tyrants. A city council in Pennsylvania ruled to remove a bench that was installed as a...

Change Your Profile Picture To Support Persecuted Christians: Franklin Graham Tells...

Evangelical leader, the Reverend Franklin Graham has called upon believers to change their profile picture to show support for persecuted Christians around the world....

Saved From Hinduism, Blind 26-year-old Andria Shares Christ In Her Village

Jesus loved me no matter what. If He allowed me to be blind, He has a purpose for it. I did not pray for...

5 Powerful Prayers To Pray For Persecuted Christians

Our hearts yearn for a way to ease the hardship of Christians who are discriminated against, harassed, unjustly arrested, beaten, imprisoned or even killed...

Indonesia Believers Extend God’s Love To Persecutors

Indonesia is home to the world’s largest Muslim population, with Christians making up around 14 percent of the total population. Jesus commanded us to love...

Uncertain Future For Christianity In Uzebekistan

It’s unlikely there will be any major changes for the better for the Uzbek persecuted church Open Doors recently asked a few believers from Uzbekistan...