Popular actor and professing Christian Terry Crews, who is continuing his mission to speak out against pornography, said his fame made his past problems with porn addiction worse.

Crews and his wife Rebecca King-Crews recently sat down with People to talk about their relationship and how the actor’s porn addiction nearly tore them apart.
“We discovered there was a whole industry around this problem because porn has become the new drug,” King-Crews shared in the interview. “It’s become the new addiction.”
Crews added, “Success is the warmest place to hide.”
“The Expendables” star admitted that his Hollywood success enabled his habit.
“Fame made it worse!” Crews added. “Hollywood didn’t care. It still doesn’t care if you lose your family. It happens every day.”
The couple, who have been married for 30 years, said that they do not mind digging into their tough personal battle with porn addiction because they hope to help others in similar situations.
The couple discusses their journey in detail in their new Audible Original book, Stronger Together.
In 2016, Crews posted a video on Facebook admitting that his obsession with X-rated content ended the marriage at the time.
“It changes the way you think about people. People become objects,” he said. “It affected everything. I didn’t tell my wife … didn’t tell my friends. Nobody knew. But the internet allowed that little secret to just stay and grow. It was something that my wife was literally like, ‘I don’t know you anymore. I’m out of here.'”
“Pornography really, really messed up my life in a lot of ways,” Crews continued.
Fortunately, God restored Crews and his marriage, and the couple continues to use their influence to share their testimony with others.
Researchers have found that Crews’ experience is the norm for porn users.
Research published in 2018 found that porn and loneliness fuel each other in a “vicious cycle.”
In a past interview with this reporter, Rebecca said that her husband’s porn addiction led to infidelity in their marriage.
She first realized something was wrong with her husband because she felt a distance between the two. Calling him out on his different behavior made him confess that he was dealing with the “burden of the shame of what he was dealing with, and that was a pornography addiction.”
“It was very devastating for me because it had been going on a long time, and it had been kept from me,” she admitted. “And then he was unfaithful to me in the process.”
“We understand the Bible says lust is never satisfied. So when you toy with something like addiction to porn, it’s going to lead you to other places,” she shared.
“He begged me, begged me not to leave him,” Rebecca revealed. But she did let him go for a time. After they separated, Crews brought his issues before God and got help. His wife eventually forgave him and took him back.
“Had I not seen the effort on his part, I could have not been forgiving. … I’m very proud of him. I’m very thankful that he made the choice to deal with demons and to save our family because we need him.”