Oh, come receive the gospel light,
Salvation’s plan is all complete;
Oh, wash thy crimson garments white,
Come, bow at Jesus’ feet.

Come, bow at His feet,
Come, bow at His feet;
He will save thee from sin,
Come bow at Jesus’ feet.

Forsake thy wretched path of woe,
Spurn not the Savior’s love so sweet;
The blood of Christ doth freely flow,
Come, bow at Jesus’ feet.

The angel waiteth at thy heart,
He bringeth stores of grace replete;
Oh, hear that voice, say not, ‘Depart’;
Come, bow at Jesus’ feet.

Why thus remain content in sin?
Canst thou, condemned, thy Savior meet?
Oh, gladly let Him enter in,
Come, bow at Jesus’ feet.

Oh, sinner, see, He lingers still,
Thy restless soul He waits to greet;
Resist no more His holy will,
Come, bow at Jesus’ feet.

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