Christian soccer player Jaelene Hinkle has withdrawn herself from the U.S. soccer team after it was announced that the squad would be wearing rainbow colored ‘gay pride’ jerseys in their upcoming game. She cited “personal reasons” for her refusal to play.

The star proudly declared Colossians 3:23 on her Twitter which says: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” “If you live for people’s acceptance, you’ll die from their rejection,” the tagline also notes on her profile.
Hinkle has been called into national team camp twice over the past two years. In 2017, she declined the invite for “personal reasons.” She later revealed what many suspected at the time: Hinkle, a devout Christian, “felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn’t my job to wear” the national team’s rainbow-numbered jerseys celebrating Pride Month.
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“I’m essentially giving up the one dream little girls dream about their entire life, and I’m saying no to [it],” she told The 700 Club in June 2018. “It was very disappointing.” The 700 Club interview noted that teammates supported her decision.
Hinkle has not received another call-up to the national team since she decided against playing for Team USA last June.
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Hinkle, who made eight appearances for the national team from 2015 through 2017, acknowledged that she may never get another opportunity: “I knew in my spirit I was doing the right thing. I knew that I was being obedient. If I never get a national team call-up again, that just is part of [God’s] plan.”
Hinkle also notably converted a gay pride logo into a celebration of the cross on Instagram the same day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in 2015 while sharing her opinion on the decision.
“Jesus didn’t come to save those who already believed in Him. He came so that the lost, rejected, and abandoned men and women would find Him and believe. I believe with every fiber in my body that what was written 2,000 years ago in the Bible is undoubtedly true.
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It’s not a fictional book. It’s not a pick and choose what you want to believe. You either believe it, or you don’t. This world may change, but Christ and His Word NEVER will,” she declared.

“My heart is that as Christians we don’t begin to throw a tantrum over what has been brought into law today, but we become that much more loving. That through our love, the lost, rejected, and abandoned find Christ.”
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Then, she explained the true Biblical meaning of the rainbow symbol. “The rainbow was a covenant made between God and all his creation that never again would the world be flooded as it was when He destroyed the world during Noah’s time.”
“It’s a constant reminder that no matter how corrupt this world becomes, He will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you Lord for your amazing grace, even during times of trial and confusion,” she said.
“Love won over 2,000 years ago when the greatest sacrifice of all time was made for ALL mankind.”
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Jaelene McKenzie Hinkle is an American professional soccer defender who plays for the North Carolina Courage of the National Women’s Soccer League.
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If only our worthless politicians had as much conviction and a backbone as this brave woman. Good on her!
The Homosexuals touted the message: “all we want is equality” well I for one knew they wouldn’t stop at that, because they alreadyhad equality, as long as they didn’t try boasting about it in the work place causing disruptions, but since they got laws passed making them a special class, the anti-Christ spirit that guides them is now operating freely to target Christians, why wouldn’t they target Muslims, who are commanded to kill them by binding them and dropping them on their heads from the highest point in their community, which they do in Islamic countries, the reason is Christians are a danger to their spiritual leader who hates the Messiah Islam is Not.
Amen, I wonder if Nike will give her millions for standing up for her convictions or do you have to be a black,
American hating football player.
That is funny but sadly very true! This corrupt world is not kind to the everyday Christian or even Jewish people. Those who follow God the right way are shunned and being persecuted for not changing.
It’s not always about the money friend
Not hating of America, just policy and procedures that down right dehumanize people that aren’t white my brother, if you look for understanding, you will find it, but if you look to only cement an assumption there’s plenty for that too, it’s more of where your heart is!! Love ya brother
Fuck you. The foot ball player from the 49ers wasn’t hating. What he did was for everyone and good, he was a damn good person to do that shit. #1 he’s half African-American. #2 the flag is supposed to be a national flag for everyone not just for one fucking color or race. This why the world is going down. Yes i do believe that god is in the making of doing this world over.This woman went by her religion there is nothing wrong with that she was raised 2 believe in that, so was i. But what he did was different stop judging him and other people cause they don’t see or believe in what you do.
You did say the right thing about that is his view like that is hers why is one more that the other. So she doesnt believe in that like he didnt believe in that. Do you understand or is there something that needs to be said but it would downplay the view you have.
I totally agree with you
They already had equality, as long as they didn’t want to marry the person they loved, visit them in the hospital, adopt a child with them, or keep the children or the house if their partner died. Or not be fired from their job, or denied services, or beaten and murdered simply for being gay. Sure sounds like equality to me.
Watch Joshua Evans on YouTube and learn something new !
Harper farmer what in actual hell are u talking about “special class”? Special because they want the same rights as u? And where do u see equality?? Having to not be able to love who u love in public? Not being able to have children that the dumb effin “normal people” are leaving in the streets to die because they don’t have enough since time close their legs or use protection. Or is the equality not being able to fight and die for the country u live in because the effin idiot next to u is scared might look at the sideways but yet the “normal people” won’t get off their lazy asses and fight I wanna know where in all of that is special or equal……. I think someone dropped u on ur head if u think as anywhere in all of that is special or equal, please try and she’d some light on this and shoe me where u think ur right
This is not from you but from the spirit of Christmas in you. Thank you for this.
May God’s grace keep and sustain you in Jesus name, dear sister
Then, she explained the true Biblical meaning of the rainbow symbol. “The rainbow was a covenant made between God and all his creation that never again would the world be flooded as it was when He destroyed the world during Noah’s time.”
Problem with this anology is that there is not enough water on the planet to create “The Great Flood!” Most people can’t wrap around their heads that the bible was written 2,000 years ago by primitive man so keep believing what primitive fools wrote in that book! You might as well believe in magic!
You don’t know what your talking about
The true miracle involved here is that it had also never rained! Imagine the power and omniscience behind our Creator…and seek answers in the will find them if you seek with an open heart
Well you got me thinking how can one have eyes and yet blind then I understand that no flesh can see or know God.
God gave Ten commandments, not Ten,suggestions. He’s not afraid of any man no matter their stature. No one can dictate to Him how he/she ought to be saved. The answer to salvation has and always is jesus. Stand firm under every trial.
Brave young woman. It is such an honor to read about a young woman who stands by her convictions and loves God more than Fame or Earthly dream
Amen, it is the Ten commandments, not ten suggestions. What a wonderful blueprint to follow, those Ten Commandments!!!
“Jesus didn’t come to save those who already believed in Him. He came so that the lost, rejected, and abandoned men and women would find Him and believe…It’s not a pick and choose what you want to believe. You either believe it, or you don’t. This world may change, but Christ and His Word NEVER will,” – these words from Ms. Hinkle are a bit confusing.
If she “knew in (her)my spirit (she)I was doing the right thing.” and she “knew that (she)I was being obedient.” then why does she bare false witness against a portion of our society that has been denied the same marital & parental rights as the majority of our country because they were born gay?
It’s sad that she believes that God & His Son would want his children to deny HIS gay children their
civil liberties. As she said, she “felt so convicted in my spirit that it wasn’t my job to wear” the national team’s rainbow-numbered jerseys celebrating Pride Month. But unfortunately, it truly was her job to wear whatever uniform the team deems appropriate. Just look the NFL fining its superstars for wearing the wrong socks.
What’s truly sad is how Ms. Hinkle has the audacity to blame her love for God & Jesus, “If (she)I never get(s) a national team call-up again, that just is part of [God’s] plan.” No, it has to do with her refusal to wear the team mandated uniform.
Moreover, the Lord’s Ten Commandments, state nothing regarding homosexuality – but the Lord did command that WE do not bare false witness against our neighbors.
Ms. Hinkle states “Love won over 2,000 years ago when the greatest sacrifice of all time was made for ALL mankind.” … and yet she “notably converted a gay pride logo into a celebration of the cross on Instagram the same day the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in 2015 while sharing her opinion on the decision.” is nowhere near behaving in “Christ-like” manner.
It’s unnatural to be gay.. That’s her point, it’s not what God intended for humans, that’s why it takes a male (natural) and a female (natural) to reproduce and create new life. They gay community has become greedy with their quest for “equality” and are completely overstepping their bounds now. They have equal rights, they mess it up for themselves when they insist on marching around and making a spectacle of themselves, then they cry about it. They DO NOT need to walk in to every work place and social gathering and announce that they are gay. They are truly mentally ill, and part of their illness is a need for constant attention, like extra special attention, when what they need is to talk to a therapist and figure out their internal issues. And yes, people pretend to be gay for attention all the time. Honestly, you don’t go have children with the opposite sex and when that relationship doesn’t work you suddenly become gay… That’s called a mental break, and should be checked not people feeding their bullshit. The more we give them the more they want to take. It’s silliness because people got nothing to do but create drama for attention. This girl sees the big picture. It’s too bad you can’t.
WOW..they are mentally ill? Might want to check yourself on the door on that one!
You stated that beautifully. I agree 100%.
She isn’t denying anyone anything. She knows what the Bible says about such things and is being obedient. There can be no such thing as same sex marriage because marriage can only be between a man and a woman. However, her refusal to wear a gay pride uniform will not prevent two gay people from doing anything they want to do.
You’re right it won’t prevent it. But it won’t hurt her witness one bit.
NO one is born gay, and neither Yahweh nor Yeshua makes anyone gay. You are born MALE or FEMALE, after that everything is based on the choices you make… knowingly or unknowingly. Yes, Yeshua/Jesus accepts, forgives, and cleans us up when we turn to Him and REJECTS our wicked ways.
Homosexuality is Satan’s way of 1) corrupting mankind, and 2) trying to deny Yahweh His desire:
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; MALE and FEMALE created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply… Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be ONE flesh… And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore ONE? That he might seek a godly seed.”
Now read Romans 1:21-28… if your pastor tells you otherwise, he will one day answer Yeshua for misleading you. The 10 commandments is not the only teaching or command of Yahweh/Yeshua.
If you have come to Yeshua, turn away from the twisted lifestyle. Christianity does not hate you nor throw you from the highest building, it is interested in saving souls, just like Yeshua. Yeshua did not condemn the woman “caught” in adultery, He just told her “Go, and sin no more”, He is saying the same to all of us even today. Today, if you hear His voice harden not your hearts.
Yes, Yahweh is love but He is also pure and holy, among other great and wonderful things.
Read the BIBLE. GOD condemns homosexuality. There is no such thing as same sex marriage with God. Loves tells the truth. The WORD OF GOD TELLS US THERE WILL NO HOMOSEXUALS IN HEAVEN. Repent and forsake your SIN AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL AND BE SAVED FROM ETERNAL DAMNATION. This supersedes all of mans laws! LOVE TELLS THE TRUTH!
Sorry that you are having a problem with Ms J. Hinkle stand, But the Word of God declares in Romans 1: 18 – 32 that Homosexuality is Wrong!! And as a Christian we Must Not support anything to do with “SIN” , I don’t care what the Supreme Court says, God was before America, God was before the Supreme Court and every Politician that is in the world, God made them, knows them, Have their blue print, Knows when they will breathe their last breathe, No one was born gay, that’s a Lie from the pit of Hell. (Genesis 1:26 ” But God created man in His Own image, In the Image of God He created he them, male and female created He them). Note no mention of God creating any gays or lesbians!! A lie from the pit of Hades..
We were created in the Image of God, created to serve Him and Him only, But Man is Rebellious, Wicked, Cruel, Disobedient and all the worst Adjectives that is known, But Praise be to God for His unspeakable gift, The Gift of Salvation is what we treasure and Ms J. Hinkle has proven that she is a Child of God, And God will take care of her, As He did for Abraham, Jacob and Issac and all the great men and women of the Bible, so will He do for Her. (Ms. J Hinkle)
Men loves darkness rather that light. St. John 3:19 and we are here to expose darkness and that is why I love Ms J. Hinkle for her stand against wearing this gay pride jersey, In Christendom there is nothing in gay pride that we should be happy about. Genesis 1 -3 state that God created Adam and Eve , Not Eve and Evette and not Adam and Steve!! And I love her response to the rainbow, Satan you are a liar!! everything that God has created to teach His people about Him, Satan the deceiver, Accuser of every Christian, The father of ALL lies and deceptions, Satan tries to oppose God and imitate all what God has use for righteousness for unrighteousness.
And that is what Satan has done with the powerful symbol of the rainbow for us as Christians, The rainbow was sent by God to remind us that He (God) will not destroy the world with water again but with fire, real fire, Lord, Jesus ,My Savior and King, I thank you for sending the rainbow to remind us as Christian to remain Faithful, Committed, Vigilant, Alert and Attentive to your Words which gives us light, May you continue to bless Ms J. Hinkle and all the Christians around the world who is taking a stand against the darkness, evil and wicked plans of Satan, We rebuke every plans of Satan and we exalt God, We extol men and we extinguish, bind, crush every schemes, plans and plots of the enemy in Jesus name we pray. Thank you for fighting for us God, and allowing us to know that the battle belongs to you (God). In the most Powerful, Anointed and every Victorious name there is Jesus .Amen.
Humans are not born gay but they were given a free will to choose good or evil gay people have chosen a hedonist evil lifestyle, Who are listening to satan the master of deception he is deceiving their mind Him
Jesus is Lord!
No human being is born a gay….you decide to become a gay.
No human being is born a gay or else he or she wouldn’t have been born in the first place . You choose to become gay. Just as you choose to to obey God’s word or to disobey it.
John 8:32.”
And ye shall know the TRUTH and the TRUTH shall make you free”
You have the misconception that God created you. Your mom and dad created you and God gave you the breath of life to live. God created Adam, Eve and Jesus and that’s it.
It seems u just a confused person, tryin to justifies gay. Look, just give ur life to Christ and appreciate the decision of the young lady
There is not one shred of scientific proof that establishes that a person is ever “born gay”.
You’re right there isn’t a “gay gene” that we know of but, there is plenty of research that shows sexual orientation is likely caused by biological factors that start before birth. So, to say no one is born gay is just false propaganda.
You have no concept of what true Christianity is! You must be a very liberal religious person! Romans chapter 1 is ad as many that the wrath of God will come down on those who practice those things! Men lying with men like they would with women! And the levitical law is very plain about homosexuality being an abomination to God! You, sir , are 100% wrong, and if you don’t repent and turn to the true Christ you will suffer the penalty for your sin!
You have no concept of what true Christianity is! You must be a very liberal religious person! Romans chapter 1 is ad as many that the wrath of God will come down on those who practice those things! Men lying with men like they would with women! And the levitical law is very plain about homosexuality being an abomination to God! You, sir , are 100% wrong, and if you don’t repent and turn to the true Christ you will suffer the penalty for your sin!
You said ‘Moreover, the Lord’s Ten Commandments, state nothing regarding homosexuality’. However, the 7th Commandment states, Thou shalt not commit adultery. Since there is no provision for the impossibility of two same-sex individuals to marry all of their sexual encounters are rooted in the spirit of adultery. Further, they are primarily rooted in a spirit of idolatry, that spirit that prompts someone to “carve” on situations or circumstances that they don’t find palatable. A homosexual doesn’t look favorably on marriage being defined as the union of one man and one woman for life, so he/she begins to metaphorically take out a hammer and chisel and begin to “carve” on the definition and on the minds of those who hold a biblical world view, hoping to impose a change on one or the other – or both. Those of us who have come to the Light strongly and tenderly and lovingly suggest that they come to the Light of God’s Word and repent and confess this sin and ask forgiveness and walk in the newness of life having received the grace to do so. Grace is God giving us the desire and power to do his will. Consider: Philippians 2:12-13 KJV
[12] Wherefore, my beloved, …work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. [13] For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. In other words, work out your deliverance from the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, and receive with meekness the ingrafted word which is able to save your soul. (see James 1:21) God blesses immeasurably all who do. Kindest regards.
Because god made adam and eve not adam and steve 2 genders nothing else the fags and gays are if this day and time made from corrupt man . Man woman and that makes the family . He never intended or wanted gayness other wise there would have been three genders idiots yesterday it was a sin now it ok our future is going down the toilet
You forgot this bit….none of the 10 commandments mentions alienating LGBQTI.
Exactly, there is nothing in the 10 commandments about any of it. And to imply we can obey the 10 commandments even if it did only goes to show that many do not understand what the purpose of The Law was. It wasn’t because a single person in the world could keep, but because we would BREAK it. (If we say we have no sin, the truth is not in us) why keep pointing out this ‘ supposed one sin’. when all people do is reproduce sinners from birth on a daily basis?
You do realize the ten commandments are not just ten right and god commands much more through out the bible ! Im starting to think you havent read the books to begin with. Just because we all sin doesnt mean you should stop trying to live up to gods word including not conforming to this world and homosexuality seems to be fore front these day’s so comes up as a conviction more and more !
Because it’s the only sin that is called an abomination.
Clearly you don’t know the word of the god to well. Proverbs 6:16-19 List 7 sins that are an abomination unto him:
a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that decides wicked schemes, feet that are quick to run into evil, the false witness that pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
**Those are 7 sins considered to a ABOMINATION UNTO HIM.
**The bible also list: sinful sacrifices, idolatry, consuming seafood that lacks fins or scales, cheating in the market by using rigged weights, usury….and the list goes on.
Because the homosexual community and its supporters are pushing for the normalization of a destructive lifestyle while demonizing and attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with them. No one is born homosexual. God wants you to choose to be his child through obedient faith. Your generalization and misinformed comments on scripture show you really haven’t considered what God, through his Word, has told us. I encourage you to open your mind and study for the sake of knowledge.
Keep it up ! Jaelene Hinkle ! You’re an inspiration to all Christians .
Certainly gave me a lift.
She is an inspiration to all people not just Christians I’m Jewish and I’m proud and inspired by this woman who is standing up for what she believes contrary to being a politically correct jack ass which seems to be more important then life. great start from a great woman!!
Wow!!! So proud of you!
Glory to JESUS my lord and my saviour
Let the name of the lord be praised
If I were to discribe this young womans stand and support of the doctrine of our God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit; “I would run out of superlatives”.
I have to question why, if we have so many people who are willing to judge the gay people, do we even need a God to be our Supreme Judge? By being so verbal about your opinions, it seems you have saved Him a lot of trouble. And, the next time we read of a young Matt Sheppard who was brutally murdered as a gay boy, and many more who are so verbally persecuted, will you accept the fact that you and others who are making such unkind comments are nothing less than cheerleaders for these who go one step father and do physical violence? I know if I were as judgmental over something that none of us can fully understand I would have to feel guilty whenever violence and hate destroy another person, gay or straight.
You’re judging those who judge, you are at least as judgmental as those you criticize. Christians are commanded to judge righteously (not self righteously). We are all sinners and require a contrite heart about our sin. Gays deny that same sex proclivities are sin and in that the sin of homosexuality is ruinous ultimately for their soul. God designed us and gave us his commands, but you care more about how sinners feel. Go deeper than your feelings, read your Bible and have someone help you with your bias. Your hubris condemns you not Christians.
Fine, then what is Righteous Judgment? Same sex proclivities are no more sin that other sex ones are, by the way, as they are ALL works of the flesh.
Christians are obligated to rebuke every sinful act in love, a christian who keeps quite just because he wants to be accepted by people is a passive christian. It is high right time we stop seeing those who are telling us the truth as enemies. “…and you shall know the truth and the truth shall save you free”
Matthew Shepherd? I believe they say “the truth will set you free.” It was a drug deal that went wrong. But I bet you also didn’t hear one of those killers was his ex-lover. So no…it wasn’t Christians seeking vengeance.
Wow! Didn’t know that Lori. Do you have a link on that? Thanks
This young Lady isn’t judging anyone. She is following the direction of our God. Our God has condemned behavior in support of sin, as written in 2 Corinthians 6:14. “Don’t team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness?” (NIV)
The Bible calls homosexuality an abomination. That will never change, no matter who or how many deny it. Sin is a choice.
No man’s mistranslation of what Paul meant when he made up a new word is the problem, and we know what is in the OLD testament was only a shadow and sign of the Actuality being portrayed…next time you eat shrimp, you’re a crab either or you’re going to hell in a hand basket.
The ceremonial laws were not carried into the new covenant, but moral laws were. You can read about some of this in Colossians 2:16-17 .
It is worth noting that all the 10 commandments are repeated, or at least strongly implied in the N.T., except for the command to obey the sabbath. If anything changed, it was the emphasis that even committing the moral sins in your heart were enough to be condemned by God.
In the N.T. sex between two people of the same sex is clearly condemned as sinful. Some want to point out that Jesus never condemned homosexuality. Well, we don’t have record of him condemning rape during his early ministry either. But, it is grossly correct to think he somehow approved of either. Jesus is the creator, and and the fellow designer of sex itself. He is the Living Word, and ultimate author of both O.T. and N.T.
Jesus did speak about gender and marriage. He spoke of some who were eunuchs by birth, and those made eunuchs by men, but didn’t take that opportunity to approve of transsexualism. He spoke of marriage being between a man and and a woman, but omitted the idea of same-sex marriage in that same discussion. In fact, no where in Scripture is anything said in approval of homosexuality or transsexualism. It only speaks of them as sin.
A temporary loss, but an Eternal reward. You will hear a “WELL DONE!”, for this sacrifice, which most people would consider ridiculous. Thanks for taking a stand for the TRUTH.
What a bold testimony! May He richly bless you as you strongly take this stand.
Jesus said…If you confess Me before men, I will profess you before my Father in Heaven. Great to see such a young Christian Athlete with such strong convictions based on the Word of God…which does not change.
Good for her and praise God! Of course, the player getting all the attention in the fake news media is the one kneeling or ignoring the national anthem. A sad state, yet evidence of prophecy being fulfilled of “the end of the age.”
And dear sister, if you hold stead fast in your faith and God’s word…even if you never step foot on a soccer field again…The truth is soccer games, wins, losses, trophies will come and go, but God’s word and his promises to us will always be…Andhe will keep you and you will never go in Need.
Love In Christ.
Amen 3boyzmom
You are a very rich person! Your faith is way more valuable than a World Cup! God bless you for standing up for your beliefs. I truly admire your beliefs! May God always guide you and hold you safely in the palm of his hand.
Amen, stand your ground proud of you.
It’s the National team, why don’t they wear jersey’s to represent the Nation, not a select sect. Praise to this young woman for standing up for what she believes. Shame to the team managers, sponsor s and coaches for allowing a small sqeekee wheel to dictate.
Why are the sports clubs making the players get involved in the gay pride anyway. They are there to play sport, and should not be Used like this There should be a law against it !
Totally agree. You represent the USA you wear Red White and Blue!!! PERIOD
Praise God for your faithfulness! You will truly be blessed!
Praise God for your faithfulness. Proverbs 3:3-4 King James Version (KJV)
3 Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:
4 So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.
God has some thing much more coming for her. God bless her.
God bless you for taking a stand against unrighteousness
God will honor an take care of you. It is true an as Christian’s who love the Lord we have no obligation to what man wants us to do. It is refreshing to see this. God bless an keep you. I hate to say it but I believe the LGBTQ have been given over to a reprobate mind especially when it is being taught to young children in public schools. May young girls follow you an your conviction for God rather than what any organization trys to teach them
Yeah no doubt they are Reprobate.
And they are pedophiles.
Forcing young women (or men) to wear patches identifying with sexual abomination is blatant Sodomite propaganda
Surely you have read Proverbs 6:16-19 which list 7 things that are an abomination unto God: They include: a proud look, a LYING tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to mischief, ‘a FALSE witness that utters LIE,’ and one that spreads strife among the brothers
Before you go spreading horrendous lies about people you might want to research the facts and actually live the life of a true follower of God!
Morals, character and conviction something sadly lacking in today’s world…..
Temporary loss, but eternal gain.
Thank you for your Godly decision. I have pride in your stance. RJB
It is a loss of a dedicated young athlete to the soccer world, but a gain to mankind in God’s! Thank you for showing your love!
Thank you for not bowing a knee to BA’AL’s LGBTp
Romans 1 KJV (unmolested version)
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Go on Girl. Jesus saves
Go on Girl. Jesus saves. May God bless u even more
I don’t get why the team does not support your right NOT to wear that uniform. I am proud of your bravery and I am sure God is also. <3
Praise you young Lady – I stand behind you in your decision. God is blessing you and your life !! – GOOD FOR YOU !!!
I thank GOD for the stand you took for GOD ALMIGHTY! You gave up your dream but you have GREATER TREASURES in HEAVEN waiting on you! GOD WILL provide every need you have in life. Always keep your faith in GOD. I thank GOD for you and those who take a stand for GOD each day! May GOD Keep and Bless You Daily!
You are very courageous women and I admire you. I wish I knew you personally because I would give you a hug and pray with you. I work in the social work field and many some of my clients are LGBT. I see a lot. My heart is full of love, but I pray daily for individuals. I struggle with our political system daily and pray anxiety away because I know our nation is falling slowly and I worry for my children who will grow up with being told “this is okay” when it is against our family values, our beliefs and our morals. There is not many other young women out there who feels or understands the way I do. It is hard to find and many Christians I meet are being deceived that “you were born this way”.
You say “when it is against our family values, our beliefs and our morals.” Then teach that in your family. Go to the church that supports those views. Don’t expect the rest of society to conform to your views and rules because your feelings might get hurt. The best thing you can do for your children is to “teach them the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it.” Give them love and strength of conviction so they can face the issues of the world they will live in and not be a whining bible justice warrior that expects never to be faced with something they don’t believe in.
If you teach them the way they should go, they will become disciples of Christ. We are taught that we will face adversity as Christians. It is written in the Bible. We are taught to live in the Word and not in the World. In other words, do what God says is right and not what society says is OK. The Bible says that marriage is between a man and woman (Jesus repeats this in Matthew). Doesn’t matter what the Supreme Court says. The Bible also says that fornication is a sin (fornication being sex between two unmarried persons). Since two same sex persons cannot be married according to God’s Word, then if they engage in sexual acts, they are committing sin just as a man and women having sex before marriage is a sin. You can’t change this. The government can’t change this and society can’t change this. Do we “hate” gays? Not at all and I would encourage them to attend church and listen to the Word and how to get the gift of Grace. Jesus welcomes everyone and forgives you of your sins. You just go and do your best to sin no more. We ALL fail at this but we seem to do less sin as we get deeper into our faith.
ik: What God says is final, God is not afraid of any body, He (God) does what He pleases, He gives life , he takes us to places that we at times don’t like, But guess what He created us and he knows everything about us.
God has given us His laws and if we don’t obey, We will pay, He loves the lesbians and the gays. and want them to read His words, Love Him and obey. A little poem for all. God loves us all. Shalom.
ps. Actually, science is on the side of “they were born this way.” Damn 21st century.
Is that the same “Science” that said the polar ice caps would be melted by now and half the country would be under water??
Actually- i think lady gaga said that… Maybe they just took her word for it.
I admire the courage and conviction that you have in our Lord, Ms Hinkle. May God continue to Bless you as you are a role model for every lost human being.
one in the million and God will surely come thru for you
Thank TMH for giving this youg lady a strong conviction. Now if we can get all of the christians to keep the shabat.
What a wonderful choice not all can be forced to believe in advertising
when we all know its a thing of today and the Gay advertising may be used to describing of (Happy & Gay ) again. Why
is it today everybody seems to want to condition people to accepting :BACKSIDE OPERATORS: is something to be proud of
mandatory forcing players to promote ANY special message is a violation of their free speech. PERIOD. So NFL players aren’t allowed their free speech to KNEEL, bot a sports team can FORCE their players to promote an ideal?
Praise the Lord, Amen. May God richly bless you in all areas of your life my sister in Christ Jesu
God,pls give me this Hinkle’s kind of belief and faith.
What a wonderful example to other young athletes to stand up for their beliefs. God will bless you for your testimony.
Thanks dear for standing for Jesus.
Bible said in 1John 2:17 that the world passeth away, hence you dont have to conform to the world.
Thank you for your bold stand for Christ, you are a blessing and an encouragement!
Why do we have to bring this into sports? Just play the we don’t care who you’re sleeping with. When is straight rights month
That would be “forcing our beliefs”
that wont be tolerated.. 
My God continue to bless you, dear one, you are an inspiration to all of us who believe in the words of God. Your spirit and dedication to Our God, are true and uplifting , I thank you for your steadfast belief, and determination to not allow the so called social acceptance sway your faith or change your direction. Thank you
Jaelene you’re one of the people that “Heaven” is proud of. The love for God overcomes everything. The decision you take is a consequence of your obedience in God; God is surely working on a purpose through this decision. We shall subsequently see the amazing results of this. Revival…
Completely respect this decision, the fact is the LGBT has their equality. We do not need it pushed DOWN unto our kids and the rest of the public. I was not OK with the REMOVAL of the P.O.W/ M.I.A flag at a few government institutes for a GAY PRIDE FLAG. Being a Veteran that is entirely to much. So good for you and a great example. Amen
Such a brave girl may the good Lord be with you. Talk about trying to shove thier lifestyle down others throat we dont care who your sleeping with, somewhat does that have to do with sports.
AMEN to that
I congratulate this young woman in taking a stand for what she believes in, it doesn’t make sense calling yourself a follower of Christ if you’re not going to be obedient, and too many of us make excuses to compromise our faith…not this young lady!
You cannot go wrong standing for what’s right…gay “pride” has nothing to do with football, but they are trying to bring it into the game I love so dearly. It’s not pride in God’s eyes, it’s an abomination (Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13).
I support her decision not to play if that’s how she felt. I can’t believe she didn’t know that was coming though.
But, regardless, her statement of faith is riddled with inconsistencies, like most faith statements are.
Anyone who says you have to believe the whole bible and you can’t pick and choose is already a hypocrite. As starters, she’s a woman in shorts. ahemmm…..
Among many discrepancies, she states that “the rainbow is a symbol of god’s love for everyone”, and earlier she stated that everyone should respond to gay marriage legalization with “more love”. I guess, like football, she means ‘everyone’ whom she approves, not people she doesn’t approve of, like say gay people. They’re not part of “everyone”.
If she REALLY wanted to show her exceptional Christian love, she could have started with that jersey. She could have used wearing it to make a public statement that would have gotten the same press coverage in the same places, that said “I don’t believe the gay lifestyle is approved of in the bible. BUT, I do believe God loves EVERYONE, including gay people. And I am wearing this to say I love the people even if I can’t approve of their life style.”
She missed her “historic moment” to show God’s love.
IK: Should she have played but on the day when the game began, the team realised too late that she had coloured the rainbow colours with a black texta felt pen. Would that have been a satisfactory alternative for you? She would have started but been removed publicly from the game as soon as the game began. The result would have been the same but she’d have been terminated for a different reason, disapproved of the rainbow colours but no stand for her religious faith. Would that have been more acceptable for you?
Not supporting “gay” marriage isnt the same at hating “gay people” AT ALL!!!! A person is so much more than their sexual preferences. Honestly i dont understand why other people arent more bothered by it… If i was gay, id be like ok guys we’ve made our point. We’ve shoved it so far down everyones throats they are shittin Skittles. I see more rainbows than the American flag
Gay marriage is a belief. And i dont want my country represented on the notion that its what i stand for. If my countrys team is going to play somewhere.. Whatever team it is. Whever they are playing. I want them to wear something that represents our country, not something that represents some people’s sexual preferences.
God bless you for standing for Christ. He has greater plans for you.
Amen I am so proud of her for standing on the word of God and not giving into the pressure to support sin as Christians we are called to walk just as jesus he always loved the sinner but never loved the sin and as Christian’s we can come together and stand against homosexuality and not support it in any way but also still love the sinner and pray for them and not be wrong for doing it .
I admire you so much for standing up for your Christian beliefs and convictions. I truly believe God will bless you for your stand. I think not standing up for so many, many years is what has gotten our country into this mess. We use to be a God fearing country….now look at us. It takes a lot of strength to stand for Him and not be a Peter. Thank you so much for your great example.
The earth is the Lord’s, he owns it all. He will do exceeding, abundantly, above you ever can imagine. Come on Nike, Reebok, all you who profiting off the labor and sweat of our young people, sweat shops minimum wages, money big business holding back by fraud. Give it up now you criminals, and remember this, Christians are going to get it all very soon. “You go girl”.
i was quit encouraged by this young lady how her journey has changed how she is born again and has the spirit of the lord in fire in her soul and i m thankful for who she is and she will be such a good role model to other christian girls to know that man can try to prode you to do things but walk in obedience to the lord and you will live in a upright nature a holy way of living and the lord will be pleased with . i pray many blessings over this young ladys faith and health and future and her family too . god is good .
Finally, someone with so guts!! I admire anyone who stands by their convictions and is not afraid to walk their path alone!! Without getting into her religious views, I would not have worn the jersey either. I don’t see the “Pride” flags or apparel with any value. It does not celebrate anything meritorious or outstanding. It does celebrate one’s sexuality and preferences, which is NOT noteworthy to most people. It is sad that a person like this has to sacrifice their dreams for the sake of those who demand their “Pride” in nothing special be displayed…what a waste!!
May Jesus Christ bless her. Amen.
God did not make people that way. He gave them over.Well here are Gods words about it.Romans Chapter 1
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
God is not gay. I would say vile and error pretty much sums it up.
This young lady is spot on. And a true inspiration to all common sensed people, not just Christians. God or nature did not intend this. Only a natural male and natural female can reproduce (without help from science) and it’s that way because that is how it was intended to be. The LGBTQ needs to back up, they have rights, equal to others. They can get jobs, have a bank account, drive a car etc etc… But they don’t need to parade around like they are special announcing that they are gay to everyone, that’s on them. Yes normal people are generally bothered by the LGBTQ community because it IS NOT NATURAL!! people need to stop bowing down to these people. They are corrupting our children and brainwashing them telling them that being gay is awesome and flying flags at veterans memorial and so on… It’s frankly pathetic.. Go do what you should be doing… Get up, get ready for your day and take your ass to work, go home, clean your home and take care of your shit, like everyone else, you won’t have time to fixate on silliness. It’s some kind of strange fad that needs to stop already. If you don’t want negative attention then stop drawing attention by making an absolute spectacle of yourself every time you go out.
This girl is a true leader, not worrying about what people say, but doing what’s right and refusing to play in to this psycho political correctness bologna.. Kudos to her
Did they tell her “Wear the jersey or you’re not on the team”? No.
Did she talk to them and say “I have these personal beliefs. How can we accommodate them”? No.
That smells like grandstanding.
This is just the tip of the iceberg there is a rising tide of unbelief, that Jesus it’s the way the truth and the life. There is a lure of secular liberalism that touches almost every Christian. Thank you we’re standing for our Lord!
I bet the US Womans National Team never won a game after that without her!
Alexa, play SWING LOW, SWET CHARIOT on music.
The USWNT won lots of games without her. In fact they won their fourth World Cup, proving again they are the best women’s soccer team in the world. And there are about 6 lesbian players on the team. No one missed the judgmental little grand-stander.
Why is it that so-called Christians tout their 10 commandments, but protest none of those who break them? Is it that jealousy, fornication, and adultery are “acceptable” sins? When you start throwing fits about those things and thieves and murderers you will have some credibility. Meanwhile why not get some facts, instead of making claims about things you clearly don’t understand?
I am a believer of Jesus. When God says NO, it means NO. When God says YES, it means YES. It does not matter if the laws have changed. God’s word never changes. I love you Lord, Amen, xoxo
The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team showing support of the LGBTwhatever community is not representative of all U.S. citizens. They want to go beyond equal rights and force others to support this. I will be a martyr one day because I will never think it’s not a sin.
Stay strong to you believe no matter what. The bible is right!!!
Let all LBGTQs here and know that God is and always remain who He just lurking around them.1cor 6:9 states non of them will inherit the kingdom of God.
Thank you, Jaelene McKenzie Hinkle!!!You have withstood the onslaught of the gay and lesbians(LBGTQs) community, to take a worthy stand of true conviction against this group of people who believe that everyone must dance and sing to their music. But you have also demonstrated to them and all their gay pundits who are willing to sacrifice their morale integrity, to support them at any cost, that there are Christians and others who have not fallen to that kind of life style. The God of heaven and earth has no tolerance for such behaviour. Therefore, those so-called Christians who wholeheartedly support them and at times criticize other Christians who condemn such dastard, ugly human behaviour, will face God’s wrath similar to those who practice such terrible immoral acts. God condemns it in all the societies of yesteryear and He condemns it today, tomorrow and forever.
Jaelene, you are not alone! First, you have your heavenly Father who watches over you at at all times, in addition to millions of people globally who are supporting you for the stand you have taken. There is a greater good awaiting you, just keep on holding on, to your faith in Jesus Christ! The sacrifice you make now will bring you freedom and eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Peace and blessings to you from the Most High God of heaven and earth!
Jaelene Hinkle should get a Similar Trophy for Winning the Soccer Game… She was a Member and She decided to Get Out when Morality went out the door. If nothing else… Her Trophy should read “SMARTEST TEAM MEMBER OF THE USA SOCCER TEAM – 2019”
People keep referring that there are only 10 commandments and because non of these 10 Commandments speak about homosexuality then it must be OK. In fact there are hundreds of commandments throughout the entire Bible In my research on the Internet it states that there are 613 in the old testament and there about 800 in the New Testament within these commandments or laws it definitely addresses homosexuality and whether it is right or wrong.
Well done. You did us proud standing up for your convictions.
We need more like you who are willing to surrender their dream like Abraham when its appropriate. God will reward you.
You have me hope
Homosexuality is wrong period!!!! Aint no two ways about it. The more we accept this B.S as mankind the more the devil gets closer. To be honest i personally hate gay people. I hate them for been too weak and accepting the devils way. Someone will say “who are u to judge” well if i see something wrong coming my way, ill judge right away and choose whats best for me and people around me. Sin comes in different ways but Life is about WHAT IS WRONG AND WHAT IS RIGHT, its up to one to choose and live up to the consequences. I’m human so i obviously sin. sometimes knowingly and unknowingly but I believe in GOD and may he continue to bless me with courage and wisdom.
WOW… 1st John 4:20 “If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.”
Christians are called to hate the sin, but love the sinner. Disapproving of a particular lifestyle is NOT the same as hating that person.
This is what God is expecting from all His children, to stand for their believe (Faith in Christ) in the day of persecution like this. I am so proud of you Sister and I know Heaven also is happy for your stand. May God continue to uphold you and give you the right word in the face of challenges on your way to heaven in Jesus name.
She doesn’t have to wear shit.
Amen thank you for taking a stand because God didn’t intend for us to Adam and Steve.
Jaelene Hinkle, God bless you sister. It is better to be ridiculed in the eyes of the world for standing up for the Word of God than basking in the adoration of thousands of supporters for supporting sinfulness.
Jesus too sacrificed everything because he believed obedience to the Word was the only thing worth doing. God Bless you and may you abound more and more in the knowledge of GOD…
With the Triune God on your side, you’ve got the Divine Majority withe you. Its an unbeatable team. Keep standing tall for Christ, young lady. Selah!
We are not to judge others…
No Beth Eiland,u r wrong.WE ARE TO JUDGE situations,behaviours,lifestyles,policies,humans/men…whatever it is that will impact our faith in anyway.The Bible allows n supports it.Infact Paul stated it in 1Cor11:31, ” for if we would judge ourselves,we would not be judged.” Paul himself practiced this, ” for though absent in body,I am present in spirit;and as if present,I have already pronounced JUDGEMENT on the one who did such a thing” 1Cor 5:3.u see. He only just heard by word of mouth that among the brethren in the Corinthian church,one of them was committing sexual immorality(having illicit sexual relations with his father’s wife,sth our permissive society today would tout as ok),He didn’t have to know more.From what Paul knew n understood of the will of God concerning sexuality ,he judged that this was wrong n unacceptable behavior for christians.
Paul wrote scriptures under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.So, obviously the Holy Spirit n him we’re on the same page in this one.God does expect us to judge if s thing is right or wrong
Not everyone is a Christian so it’s very important for Christians to remember:
1 Corinthians 5:12
Paul sent the Corinthians a letter instructing them not to associate with Immoral people (so-called Christians) They were apparently confused by this instruction and thought he was referring to non-Christians which he clarifies “For what do I have to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those within the church? But, those who are outside, God judges. Remove the wicked man among yourself.”
Again,if u look at Isaiah 59,vs 8 says “the way of peace they know not;and THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT IN THEIR GOINGS;they have made them crooked paths:whosoever goeth there in shall not know peace.”
This perfectly describes the gay agenda. Practicing,pushing,supporting n enforcing the homosexual lifestyle is tantamount to “making crooked paths.” It’s not a mistake those who aren’t gay(r heterosexual) r referred to as “straight”. Straight is actually the opposite of crooked.
In vs 9 of same Isaiah 59,it says “therefore JUDGEMENT is far from us,neither doth justice overtake us:we wait for light, but behold obscurity;for brightness,but we walk in darkness.”
Vs10- “we grope for the wall like the blind,and we grope as if we had no eyes:we stumble at noonday as in the night;we are in desolate places as dead men”
Vs11-. “we roar all like bears,and mourn sore like doves:we look for JUDGEMENT,but there is none;for salvation,but it is far from us.”
Why do all these things enumerated above befall those ppl? Why?! It’s bcos ” they way of peace they know not;n there is no judgement in their goings…” This people have refused to judge their lifestyle which is anti-God,thus they have all these woes befall them. Same for the gay stuff,if we shy away or buck under pressure,refusing to judge n openly speak up against this evil for what it is “an abomination n horrible sin,a distortion n twisting of God’s purpose for human sexuality”,if we dont judge it,we would,of course be judged. Thank God a leader has risen in America who has openly declared n taken a stand against the evil scourge of HOMOSEXUALITY.
Still on Isaiah59, in Vs 12 it says, ” for our transgressions are multiplied before the,and our sins testify against us…” U see until all sin, including homosexuality in all it’s shades n forms is judged,it will keep TESTIFYING against the perpetrators.Sin has a personality.The evil,spiritual forces that tempt n entice people to sin r the same ones who stand before God,the just Judge of the entire universe,testifying against,accusing n condemning the sinners. We can only silence the accuserby judging that sin using what God’s word already says about it.we judge it,declare it to be what it is-sin n evil b4 God,n then take steps to separate ourselves from it,confessing nturnung to God for forgiveness,cleansing n restoration.
So dear,saying we shouldn’t judge others is taking the Bible in bits n basing a behavior or response on that little fraction alone.We must check out what other segments (books,authors) of scripture speak or write on judgement,b4 we draw a conclusion. In fact,still same Isaiah 59vs14,15, Isaiah wrote, “and judgement is turned away backward,and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street,and equity cannot enter”(these r continuation of the fringe benefits we enjoy from not being “judgemental” when we r supposed to be,refusing to judge wrong as wrong or right as right).
Vs 15 says, ” Yeah,truth faileth;and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey:and the LORD saw it,AND IT DISPLEASED HIM THAT THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT.”. Did u see that? We don’t get into the LORD’S good books when we refuse to judge evil/wrong,friend! We actually DISPLEASE Him! In case we think we r somehow expressing sth “godly” by towing the “don’t judge others” line.
This young woman evidences more class and courage than the whole US Women’s Soccer team. Sad.
Her choices reminds me a bit of Christian track star, Eric Liddell of Scotland, who turned down his dream of running in the believe 1924?Olympics because his event was scheduled on a Sunday and that violated his Christian convictions. And while many or most of us wouldn’t adhere to that standard, the point is that he paid a great price to stand by his personal Christian convictions. And God honored him by allowing him to run in another event he hadn’t trained for as I understand. And God allowed him to win!
Tim Tebow is another example of public figure athlete holding to his Christian convictions. These folks are not so-called stars. They are heroes of the faith in my humble opinion. Taking a stand before all the world when it hurts them but honors the Lord!
May we all be so bold!
LGBT: “Let God Be True”
Religion and Human Behavior
I really don’t know how to say this or intrepid but I am determinant to try? For anyone to understand where I am coming from I was broth up as Catholic, and at present time my religion is “Respect if you wish to be Respected” Now let me say this “ignorance”! is no excuse for stupid Behavior of any Religion or nationality more or less we all believe in something’s including none believers, now you may say, that is stupid, before you respond to this you better examine facts. Well, how is that? If you are unbeliever: then you Believe in nothing, that is your religion as none believer! For the rest of us with different Religion believes, we all believe in God perhaps in different ways but it all comes down to one thing ”GOD” the only difference is interpretation. If we were to go into interpretation we must first examine “By Who, Why and When, these supposedly (God rules came about) Good Books Bibles, Koran, Torah, who wrote this. Because not very long ago we were burning females on sticks as to be Witches’, Woo-locks Vampires’ ETC. Let’s get a little closer to reality in Ireland and some other countries Protestant and Catholics killing each other, it is needless to mention what is going on in other parts of our miserable Planet and for what; one answer can be giving “Ignorance”. If I recall correctly when I was growing up in Europe I was Thought, that three or two kings (presently not sure) had visited Jesus at birth, this kings broth presents to a king of Haven a “Jesus” and they were was supposed to be Muslims; and so they have celebrated Jesus birth, now if that is correct, Where the hell “QUANZAA” comes from? Well according to some Journalists supposedly in Africa some guy serving Life Prison sentence came up with that name. That does not bother me: however one answer to that can be given! “Ignorance” Muslims suppose to celebrate Jesus’ birthday the same as Catholics which most do. Now Jewish they are also celebrating Jesus birth in different way and they believe in God as must other Religions even so according to Catholic religion, Judea a Jew has betrayed Jesus but Jesus himself is believed to be Jew, so how much are differences between us or is there any difference between Jewish, Catholics, Protestant, Baptist, Muslims’ and perhaps few others that I don’t know about, I will say that there are no differences. My conclusion is? That it is not Religions at adds, but people a people with no Brain but full of Hatred, Jealousy, Resentment and “Arrogance”. For me at the present time, only one religion exists, which should be important to us all!
As I said earlier we all should have one Religion and that is:
You should consider that respect is a two-way street
Believe only what you can See, Test, and Fill.
Upon reading my own statement above I have decided to add a small additional comment to it. It is as fallow: You are free to believe in anything you wish, but you can not be imposed or demand from others to believe what you believe in or into, you can not demand that others lose their rights or privileged because you want yours. Your rights and privileged must be earned, you can not expected for someone that should or will give it to you. If you wish that you will not acknowledge GOD that is your privilege, however, you must respect people that may believe in GOD because that is there privilege and there life to choose.
I hope whatever I said that all of you understand my Stance!
No matter what I believe the statistics don’t lie. There are physical problems with trying to fit parts that don’t fit. So that creates illness for the physical side of the body. It does say in the Bible that people of the same sex sleep together over fear. Fear is powerful and it is an irrational fear. Fear destroys people. Another thing is I do not under any circumstances go around telling everyone about my sexual side. That is nobody’s business unless I need or have a special concern that is best dealt with discreetly. It doesn’t make sense to go around telling anyone about your wonderful, powerful and holy connection with the opposite sex. It is physically unique and binds two separate sexes into one unique new creation. From that unique and well fitted it is statistically documented that monogamous and opposite sexes intertwined in a holy marital state are the happiest sexual creatures. It is a fact. I think that people are under a delusion that same sex physical connection creates something wondrous. However, it is true that and this is so very sad that some people connected physically incorrectly will not be able to heal over that special torture and that they will rest in their fear and defiance with pain associated with their choice. They are to be pitied and it is sad that they have to pretend that harming themselves so violently is good. Yes it is good not to make any mistakes but on this earth some mistakes cause terrible sickness, poverty and pain and statistically overall that is what those choices bring. Some mistakes can be corrected quickly and the consequences are minimal. Other choices can create dramatic consequences. I worked in industries where homosexuality was flaunted and it is sad, so very sad what this choice brings. If it runs in your DNA due to possibly an ancestor who practiced that type of mistake and the mixing of mucus and bodily secretions became genetically altered through the bloodstream which in theory might be possible it is still no excuse at all. No matter what I genetically inherited that is a familial pattern I am under no obligation to practice that. Many children of addicted parents show genetic changes and yet they chose a healthier lifestyle. No matter what urgings of self destruction that are part of my overall path I am as a person stronger. I can chose life and life eternal lived as a down payment on this earth and a full inheritance forever.
I am happy she refused to be a follower. They wouldn’t let certain group wear hijab in some sports but would let one group wear their colours. Why represent one and not the other.
Everybody is supposed to have opinions or judgments or criticisms which are a practice of speech that all people practice. We separate so we can conquer problems like disease and poverty. I don’t want to know or be told what people are doing physically. It is of no concern of mine. What’s fair for you may not be fair for me. So what you might think is fair such as practicing animalistic acts that are hard on the body and you are mad because I don’t want to be in your group because you want what I have. This world does have rules whether people like it or not. The problem is when one group says I want what your good deeds have produced and I don’t care about how you got there. I want it and I will continue to harm myself and blame outside sources rather than inward conditions and demand you pay for it and endorse it and say evil is good. My work gives me the option to fund my good and if it produces good then why should I pour it down the drain? Pour your own life down your own drain.
That being said if I want to I can give away what I have extra after following the rules that my country dictates. Everyone helps who they want and it can be risky because it may be throwing good money after bad. Then people hire me for what they deem appropriate and that company dictates. The problem is being forced to do things that really cause a great deal of harm to a large number of people.
We are all born genetically sinning…….so everyone has a predisposition to harm Heaven and Earth…..Unbelievers don’t have a messiah that has power like ours. a genetic predisposition doesn’t give someone the right to harm and the Ten Commandments are the heading of the outline. The specifics are in the old and new testament and there are over 1600 decrees, ordinances and statues, teachings and laws that are designed to keep our Earthly journey productive, constructive in a practical sense. There are over 1000 in the New Testament alone. The Ten Commandments were taken down to two. Those two would be the title in a sense and then the ten and then it expands into specific areas that are addressed for various reasons but always to help the human race. There are over 3000 scriptures on the use of money. There are a large number about sexuality. It is a book a totally unique book.
Awesome Jaelele!!!
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[…] See Also: Christian Soccer Player Refuses To Wear Gay Pride Jersey, Withdraws From National Team […]