Catholic father Edward Beck, a CNN religion commentator, has described Jesus as a Palestinian who lived in occupied Judea, in support of Palestine in the ongoing war between Israel and the Islamic country.
In a post shared on Instagram page, the Priest claimed Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born into a time when his country was occupied, as such there was no place found for Mary to even give birth. “They’re homeless, they eventually have to flee as refugees, into Egypt,” he claimed.
Fr. Beck told CNN anchor Poppy Harlow, “I think the message of Christmas is that God enters into it with us, and we’re not alone in it,” he said.
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But then he picked up the socialist/Marxist rhetoric, trying to convince Christians and the rest of CNN’s audience that support for the “plight of the Palestinians” in the current Israel/Palestinian conflict is justified.
Fr. Beck went on to say:
“What I’m so struck by is that the story of Christmas is about a Palestinian Jew. Now, how often do you find those words put together? A Palestinian Jew born into a time when his country was occupied, right? They can’t find a place for her to even give birth. They’re homeless. They eventually have to flee as refugees, into Egypt no less,” Beck continued. “I mean, you can’t make up the parallels to our current world situation right now. And so, in some way, that is who we believe God becomes, born into that situation.”
This is a clear attempt for the Fr. to rewrite history and garner support for the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas.
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Let’s be clear: The term Palestinian is a regional term, much like referring to residents of the southern United States as “Southerners.”
Before the word “Palestinian” or “Palestine” was used, the area was part of Egypt and called “Philistine” and the people “Philistines.”
The terms “Palestinian” and “Palestine” first appeared in ancient Greek text during the 5th century BCE.
By the 2nd century, the Romans called the region Palaestina Syria or Palestine. Some scholars believe that Roman Emperor Hadrian changed the name from Judaea to Palestine to erase the Jewish presence in the land because he thought it would ease tensions between militant Jews and Romans.
The locals, of course, called the area Judea (from Judah) or the Holy Land.
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