Biography Of Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmack
Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmack

Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmack is a Nigerian Televangelist, and a revelational teacher of the Word of God. He is the founder of Eternity Network International (ENI), a ministry he started March 2011.

A graduate of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Apostle Selman started preaching the gospel and ministering to people during his campus days, along with some friends, they ministered to fellow students at different gatherings where they were privileged to preach.

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Born June 25th 1980, from an early age, his longing for God translated into an opening up to the realm of the supernatural. Apostle Selman is the host of KOINONIA, a weekly programme organised by the Eternity Network International (ENI) where people come to experience WORSHIP, WORD, MIRACLES AND LOVE, experience true intimacy with the Holy spirit and learn to be with Him, be like Him and represent Him.

Eternity Network International is located at P.O Box 55 Samaru, Zaria, Kadunna State, Nigeria.

He is also the senior pastor of the Christ Gospel Church, Samaru, Zaria, Kaduna state in Nigeria.

Who is the Wife Of Apostle Joshua Selman?

This question of who Apostle Selman is married to have been a major question among many Nigerians, especially, fans of the man of God, and one of the top searches about him on the internet. However, Apostle Joshua Selman is currently not married, thus, Apostle Selman has no wife yet.

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According to the man of God, his love is God. And he is ready to let everything go, everything like women, marriage, money etc. for the love of God.

Apostle Joshua Selman

Eternity Network International Mission

The mission of Apostle Joshua Selman’s Eternity Network International (ENI) is:

1.To seek and save the lost
2. Equip and perfect the saints by the revelation of God’s word and the ministry of the Holy spirit
3. Demonstrating the power of the Holy spirit through signs, wonders and miracles to confirm that Jesus is alive. This is conveyed when His presence is made manifest in worship.
4. To reveal the wealth of the kingdom and finance God’s end-time agenda

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Apostle Joshua Selman’s Quotes

Here are some quotes from Apostle Joshua Selman:

  • Challenges are a proof that your current mental state has stretched its capacity.
  • The pain obtained from the place of failure Will preserve your success. Every dimension of greatness has a price to be paid.
  • Kingdom wealth are resources that facilitate Kingdom advancement.
  • Through prosperity shall God’s agenda be spread abroad.
  • Something you do not know is responsible for your limitation.
  • Desire sponsors pursuit and pursuit grants access to whatever you desire.
  • It is risky to not know how to respond to life-threatening challenges.
  • The hardest person to help is a man who is resistant to change.
  • Nothing changes by itself.
  • Time does not impact knowledge, it only reveals.

Apostle Joshua Selman Official Website is


  1. Comment: please where can I get to download daily sermons of the apostle. Am really blessed by the man of God sermon my brother shared with me on wassup

    • Got to know about this great man of God (God’s General on YouTube ) I scrambled into one of his messages ” titled lifter of men ” and since then my life has improved tremendously. Thank you Jesus for Him.

  2. A brother sent to me the message by suleman tittled :The mistry of delivance. As I listened to the message, I realised I need to be delivered. I therefore want to come and see the apostle for my freedom. How is this going to be possible? I want this done urgently pls.

  3. when i was serving in kano state i came across this man of God message through a friend of mine, the first message that catch my attention is ‘Gaining Spiritual Stability’ to be honest with you the message deposit a change to my life. i was having the hunger and the zeal to serve God but after listening to this message all my story change i see the hand of God strongly in my life. may God continue to bless you sir.

  4. the man of God has being a blessing to my life have being following for a while now since 2017 indeed i love u sir…….he s true mentor even without contact

  5. I listen to his messages on my sisters phone who happens to be a strong follower of the Apostle. I love the way he preaches.
    Witness a miracle of the Apostle @ Living Faith Kano. Organised by PFN 20th Oct. 2018.

  6. I feel the presence of the almighty and the power of the supernatural when ever i’m under the spoken word of God through the mouth of this Man of God.

  7. I truly bless God to have someone like Daddy Joshua in my life. His massages about the kingdom has been a spring of living water to me.

  8. God will bear me witness
    I can live all my life with apostle, I have never seen him physical but I tell people is my father
    Give me this mountain
    And many of his inspired words has taken me so far
    I have never stay for two days without listing to his words
    tanks KONONIA

  9. Comment: First Came In Contact With His Message When A Friend Invited Me To Ingathering And Youth Foundation, He Sent Me So Many Of His Messages Like: The Mystry Of Babylon, The Speaking Blood, The Man God Uses, The Power Of Deliverance And So Many Of Them.
    He Stormed Asaba That Same Year At Our G.O.G Conference. And This Year Again He Stormed Asaba @ Apostolic Invasion.
    He Caused A Tsunami In The City Of Asaba. God Bless You Sir, For Being A Blessing To Our Generation.

  10. Life changing is your messages but brethren am in need of your prayers cos the more I ant to serve God in whole truth a spirit always me and make sin. Especially secret sin
    of masturbation which I know it kills the life of christian. Pls I need deliverance put me in prayers am by name ijabarda James Peter if you want encourage me through SMS here is my phone number 07033969106

    • Good morning brother,first it is well with you,alot of people are unfortunately under this bondage,2things I’ll suggest to you that i believe can help,first engage the mystery of the blood of jesus i always like to pray it this way”since jesus has died he has paid the full price for deliverance hence freedom should not be denied me” so please pleas the power of the blood to deliver you 2 is discipline pls even after God delivers you you need to be discipline avoid those things that tempt you limit beint alone as much as possible if you watch pornogaraphy put your phone on safe search,when you feel tempted to do it begin to declare instead how much God loves you how much he wants ou to be free how much he wanna use you pray in tomgues also and with time you’ll be free I’ll encourage you to read book of Romans chapter 6 and 8 and colosians 2: 14 you are nolonger a prey to the tyrant or captive of the mighty again ijn YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD.God bless you check out apostles message on mystery of deliverance also part1-4 especially 3and 4 bless you

  11. Comment:my father my father the chariot of isreal and the horse men therof,for me im more than blessed for having a father like Apostle Joshua Selman…God bless you sir for the heavy release of your mountum upon my life….

    • Hi Kingsley, the messages will likely be too large for sharing via WhatsApp.
      However you can download via
      1. 4shared app
      3. Glory Cloud app
      I hope this helps.
      Grace to you

    • Apostle Joshua selman is indeed a blessing to our generation; I’ve listened to several of his messages and my life has never remained the same – financially, spiritually and morally. He’s just too loaded with anointing!

      @ Mr. Kingsley and other people requesting for where to download Joshua selman messages, you may get it from this website ( they often upload selman latest messages.

  12. The moment a friend of my shared with me the message of Apostle Joshua Selman i listen to it and i ask myself am i really serving God because his voice is like God speaking inform of a man the massage really transformed my inner man,now i know that God is raising end time generals that will bring christianity back to her normal position.finally i am really,really bless through your message sir, may God keep you going in delivery His through word in Jesus name amen.From Lagos state Nigeria

  13. My life has been massively blessed by apostle ,I really don’t know where and how my life would have been without his messages.
    I’ve been following apostle his impart my generation can’t not survive it.
    May God bless you sir
    Your teachings is working like magic
    My name is Lilian from makurdi Benue state

  14. Apostle is just a sent of God into this generation. He is just something else by Gods grace. I love you sir you are too impactful.

  15. I can’t quantify how much i have come to love God through the teachings of Apostle Joshua Selman, am so blessed in my spirit, wish he knows what kind of changes his messages have reconstructed my life into.
    He is of no doubt a sent man of God an i pray that the oil on his head remains fresh daily with fresh revelations, God bless you beyond measures.
    I just finished listening to one of Apostles message titled “call to worship” an am deeply touched in my spirit.
    Please when is Apostle coming to Port Harcourt? Send details to my attached email if possible.

  16. The love i have for this apostle can nt be measured, i saw him twice and wish to be seeing him like always, he re-filled me. I love u daddy may GOD continue to bless u.

  17. I Dont have much to say i just know since i subscribe to be a shareholder of his grace my success is predictable. i mean it, one of my greatest joy is that i stood with him while ministering in Nigerian Immigration headquarter in Abuja last year and i know one day i will be great like him

  18. since i became a shareholder of this grate grace i know my success is predictable. i mean it
    one of my gratest joy is i stood with him while ministring in NIGERIA MIGRATION HEADQUARTER IN ABUJA last year and i know one day i will be great like him

  19. Hmmm…..his so full of wisdom, breaking d bible to the simplest form, revealing the word in a different dimension, I HOPE TO MEET YOU ONE ON ONE SOMEDAY AND TALK WITH YOU SIR.. You are a blessing to this generation sir, please I need the link to download his messages at a lesser size

  20. please where can I get to download daily sermons of the apostle. Am really blessed by the man of God sermon my brother shared with me on wassup

  21. My life has been massively blessed by apostle ,I really don’t know where and how my life would have been without his messages.

  22. Apostle your sermons has played a big role in my life, spiritually. You are a true man of God. May God continue blessing you.

    Mpumi- South Africa (Cape Town)

  23. goodday sir i have heard your power messages but i have a problem i always have this strong zeal to serve God but once i leave the atmosphere where i listened to it or after a while. this strohg passion to serve God starts fading whenever till date my life is not right with God please i need prayers

  24. May you continue to be filled with the power of the HOLY GHOST Apostle JOSHUA SELMAN NIMMAK. WE NEED YOU IN LAGOS.

  25. The man of God has so much blessed my life even from a distance. He has a relationship with God that has touched me and made me desire more. Please I want to sow a seed to tap from him. It’s a very small amount but I would sincerely appreciate any help I can get with his personal account information. I know he does not go public with his info, (honestly I don’t know what else to say) I pray someone helps me out with this information. I really wish I could speak with him personally. Maybe that would be asking too much.


  27. Comment:i love the message God bless you greatly sir. sir i want you to be my mentor, just starting ministry and i need your help up sir. thanks
    watsAp no. 09065770787 joshua Daniel

  28. Please we have asked all minister we know and we can’t get his contacts ,….a big Pentecostal Church in a USA and I have been playing and listening to his messages since last week but none could help us..we want him in US and or visit him from US..please help us by contacting me ..apostle love Emmanuel
    Please help us…we need revival in America
    We need his kind of message
    We need people saved before Jesus comes
    He is about to come

  29. Please I Dominic from Ghana and am
    really touched by listening to his sermons. God bless you Apostle, may your days be long and more anointing fall on you. Please I ask for prayer from Apostle for a complete change in life and anointing. Thank you

  30. He speaks pure wisdom and his understanding is incomprehensible to a mere boy like me…
    Any other channel to follow him like WhatsApp because am not on Facebook..
    I’m sure it will be of immense help should I access his words of encouragement everyday…

  31. Papa… There are few people whose voice brings comfort and ministers grace. I can only be careful not to idolise him but he’s deitified already.
    Love you sir.

  32. My first encounter with Apostle Selman, was during my NYSC days in Kogi State, My lodge mate was listening to one of the series of his Relationship messages, and I got cut in the web. I was like who is this man that is speaking the truth with so much authority, then I began to search for more of his messages, I must confess, all of his messages that I have listened to have blessed my spiritual life. Indeed Apostle is God’s sent. More grace to you sir. He has impacted so many lives far and near that he might not know about.
    I introduced his messages to my siblings, my fiancee and some of my friends,

  33. What more can i say concerning this GREAT REVIVALIST, EVANGELIST, APOSTLE AND PROPHET of eternal life, No man can appreciate or love and reward you enough if not God Almighty who has called you

  34. The man of God has been and continues to be a blessing to me life, regardless of my geographical location. I’m from Nairobi Kenya.

  35. All my life I have searched for the one who’s words can reach my spirit and the almighty made me contact the man of God through the recharge conference 2019 at the Good Land. Ever since my inner man has been recharged and I can DREAM. Sir you just got another daughter. Now I can say that I found my spiritual father. God bless you always daddy.

  36. So blessed at Apostle’s messages. Will be glad to have a worship service in his Ministry . May the God that has called you Give you the grace to continuously populate the kingdom of heaven and May ur every crown of glory be to you on the last day Apostle Joshua Selma.
    I humble request for the address of his ministry.Stay blessed

  37. I have being blessed tremendously by his teachings infact, I struggle between my Personal pastor (Dr. Pst. Paul Enenche) and Apostle Joshua Selma. the Lord Bless you sir.

  38. i have listened to a few pastors preach and teach the scripture , but i have only known of Apostle Joshua Selman for about 2 weeks now i can tell that am yet to see a man with his kind of anointing and grace to teach n preach especially on the things of the spirit… May God continue to give him dimensions of grace and favor

  39. Listening to Apostle Joshua Selman, sermons has really changed my life to living a Christ centered life, I thank God for his life, may God bless you more Sir, truly God gave your messages wings, they flu all the way down to Zambia, hoping to meet him one day. Greetings ENI, God Bless

  40. Am blessed by Apsts message…he is indeed the apst paul the second. I love you sir… I wish to come and serve under that grace he is the man i have been looking for. Here is my contact 08125752313 remember am the weakest among all can u people manage me. The worm of jacob am i pls

  41. I have neverloved a man of God and believe in his Grace the way I do with Apostle. I love Apostle Selma . I first stumbled on his message through my sister”encountering God’s Mercy” Since then I can’t comprehend the way I have come to love this man. I looked forward to seeing him one on one until last weekend when I attended the prayer conference in uyo organized by NCCF, I left Port Harcourt to uyo city just to see this man I listen to, I stayed back from work and I was ready to bear the consequences. Apostle is anointed. I love Jesus, I have come to know him more through the Apostles teachings. God bless you Sir

  42. Listened to the apostle for the first time at the ongoing Dunamis International ministers conference. His inspired message led me to make a search of him. God bless him and keep him focus on his vision in Jesus Christ names.
    Nigeria is blessed with ministers of God.

  43. Comment: May God bless Apostle and give him reason never to be satisfy until God satisfy him. dady visit nasarawa state too, you are a blessing

  44. In fact I can not express my gratitude to you my father, indeed i am bless just listening to one of your messages which is the word of God. God increase you greatly in your ministry

  45. Sir You have been a pioneer to my life… I can’t even express the impact I had from you may God Almighty Continue to bless You more and more Daddy

  46. Brother Selman Joshua,

    I give God all the glory for what He’s using you to do in our generation.
    I’m always blessed whenever I listen to your messages.
    The Almighty will preserve and protect you in all you do in Jesus Name.

  47. Comment:thank you PAPA for being a blessing to the body of christ i celebrate you GREATLY sir, more GRACE and INSIGHT to you PAPA.

  48. This man of God is a blessing to this generation. Personally I’m addicted to his sermons for you can not listen to them and remain the same. To God be be the glory.

  49. Thanks God for apostel josua I learned so much from him I love to see and hear his sermons they give me so much strength in my spiritual life God is good all the time I will keep praying to my God in Jesus name amen

  50. You are truly a man raised by God to the standard of my hunger for HIM. You’re indeed an unlimited blessing to me,my family and generations. I SEE THE WORD IN YOU. You are blessed.

  51. We bless GOD for his his blessings to this generation. Pls someone should linked me how to get his messages

  52. Daddy may God Almighty bless you Sir
    Since 2017 your pray for me at Destiny Summit Idah kogi state.
    My life has changed
    Am very grateful Sir
    You are my spiritual Daddy
    I have been dreaming about you,anything I go wrong you always correct me in Dream
    Thank you Daddy
    My name is abdullahi Joshua
    Apostle Joshua Selman is my Spiritual Daddy

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