Californian Satanist Accepts Jesus Christ, Gets Baptized

Source: Baptize California Facebook

A massive gathering of Christians across California last weekend which reportedly broke a record, holding the world’s largest-ever baptism, saw thousands of people make new decisions for Christ, accepting Him as their Lord and Savior.

Baptize California, an event that unfolded Saturday and Sunday at various locations in the State, saw a historic number of people immersed at individual churches and during a main-stage event at Huntington Beach.

The two-day extravaganza, showcasing countless examples of life change and spiritual renewal, featured speakers, worship music from leaders like Sean Feucht, and more.

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According to preliminary numbers, there were over 6,000 people baptized at the Huntington Beach location, alone, with an additional 6,000 people immersed in churches across the state.

“You can smell another Great Awakening in the air like rain before it hits,” Pastor Francey, who founded the event, told CBN News on Monday. “God lit a match yesterday! If God can do this in the church in California, it can — and it will — happen in the rest of America!”

Pastor Greg Laurie who recently held the Baptize SoCal, an event which saw over 4,500 baptism, told CBN he’s been planning Baptize California, a follow-up event he said would rally the entire state in hopes of seeing God work in an incredible way — and, based on the initial projections, his efforts paid off.

“My wife, Rachelle, and I could hardly sleep thinking about how God could be so kind to let us be a part of the largest baptism in the history of America,” Francey said, expressing his elation over how the event took form. “We are proof that God really can use anybody,” according to Faithwire.

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The pastor said this year’s event was massive, crediting God for bringing it all together.

“It was a surreal and extraordinary day!” Francey told CBN News. “[It] felt like we were living in the pages of the books of Acts!”

And the individual stories coming from Baptize California are truly incredible. Sharing just one such story, Francey shared told CBN News how a Satanist accepted Jesus and “immediately got water baptized” in the event

“You could see the change immediately,” he said.

The preacher said 1,000 people accepted Jesus at Huntington Beach, with thousands coming to watch the event unfold.

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“[The] crowd steadily swelled to — at one point — as much as 14,000,” Francey said. “Hundreds of churches linked arms to accomplish what happened.”

“I had almost like an open vision,” he said, noting that the vivid experience from God included worship and very specific details. “I saw boats from guys I knew in our church parked along Pirate’s Cove.”

Watch Francey explain the details:

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