“The Forge”: Kendrick Brothers Set to Ignite Massive Revival With Powerful New Movie

Alex and Stephen Kendrick
Alex and Stephen Kendrick

Christian filmmakers Alex and Stephen Kendrick, who are known for their faith-filled movies are set to ignite another massive revival within Christian Churches with their new movie “The Forge,” hitting theaters Aug. 23.

The movie is in many ways a follow-up to their 2015 hit, “War Room,” the brothers told CBN News.

“If you liked ‘War Room,’ you’re going to love ‘The Forge,’” Stephen said. “This one is actually part two, in a sense, because ‘War Room’ is a call to prayer, and this one is a call to discipleship.”

He went on to say that some of the same characters from “War Room” return to deal with the discipleship issue, exploring what it looks like “to engage someone in relationship, friendship, and teach them how to fall in love with Jesus, and walk with Him, become a mature believer to the point where they’re ready to go out and reach someone else.”

Alex said “The Forge” was the result of a season of prayer during which the filmmakers asked God to direct their path for the next movie. Once they did that, the direction became clear.

“He pointed us in the direction of discipleship,” Alex said. “Reading through Scripture, Stephen and I would go through looking at the specific aspects or principles.”

One of the verses that resonated with them was Luke 9:23 (NIV), a Scripture quoting Jesus, which reads, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Alex said walking like a disciple means dedicating one’s life to becoming more like Christ.

“I have to die to myself,” he said. “So, to deny yourself, take up your cross daily.”

Alex said truly being a disciple means not allowing oneself to be “lukewarm,” as Scripture warns against. These verses and realities challenged the brothers as they embarked on their journey to make the film.

“‘The Forge’ is about the process of someone becoming a disciple,” he said. “[In] this process of discipleship in the movie, a group of men are pouring into a younger group of men on their walk with Jesus, and we specifically follow one named Isaiah.”

Alex continued, “He’s 19, and so he learns what that process is. But by the end of the film, he … is passionate about his faith in Christ, and is ready to pour into someone else.”

Watch the Kendricks explain:

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