We’ve all made New Year’s resolutions we quickly break—Statistic Brain reports that less than 9 percent of people successfully achieve their resolution.
With 68 percent of men in the church viewing pornography on a regular basis, the dominant cry in their hearts is: “l will never do this again; I won’t let porn control me anymore!” Most men who make a New Year’s resolution to never watch porn again find themselves back on the same websites in no time. Will power won’t fix it!
Trying harder only tightens the noose around your neck. Each time you fail, you increase the shame you carry, which perpetuates the cycle—you go back to porn to medicate the shame you’re feeling. Committing to a process takes time because there’s no quick fix. It’s more than just saying, “l will no longer watch porn,” because it’s really not about porn. You’re using porn to medicate the feeling of worthlessness you have down in your soul. You do this by accessing the internal pharmacy that you have in your brain.
Neuropsychologist Dr. Tim Jennings says, “Any type of repetitive behavior will create trails in our brains that are going to fire on an automatic sequence.” The result is years of bondage. This is how you can love the Lord but still be trapped in bondage to porn. You must renew your mind.
How I Overcame Pornography – Jimmy Needham
Dr. Ted Roberts in the Conquer Series will teach you how to biblically renew your mind and find freedom. Dr. Ted has a 90 percent success rate in helping men find freedom.
The Conquer Series is a cinematic 6-disc DVD set featuring in-depth teaching from former Marine fighter pilot and pastor Dr. Ted Roberts, who shares powerful tools and Bible-based strategies he has used to help thousands of men renew their minds and find freedom from porn.
How Jesus Christ Saved Me From Porn Addiction And Saved My Marriage: Jason Castro
Porn Star Quits, Gives Her Life To Jesus After She Was Asked This Question