There was the part of me that no one, including my wife knew about
Greg Oliver who lost his job in 2009 after his 17-year addiction to sex and pornography was exposed, says he has found healing and a new ministry with his wife that seeks to help others overcome the devastation of pornography and sexual addiction.
The Alabama pastor and his wife, Stacey, are now members of Mountaintop Church in Birmingham, where he started a new role as pastor for care and recovery in March 2018, according to KRON4.

The former worship pastor said before his secret was exposed he thought he could manage his bad habits. It all crumbled the day he mistakenly sent an email to someone he thought he had a connection with.
“There was the part that everybody saw, who was a music and worship pastor, who was leading the band, leading the church in worship, and then there was the part of me that no one — including my wife knew about — this person had been struggling with sexual sin and addictive stuff, pornography for years and it kept progressively getting worse,” he explained.
“Foolishly I believed for a long time that finding better efforts, better self-will techniques, that I would be able to defeat it on my own, and it just doesn’t ever work like that. It kept getting worse and worse. What started as kind of dabbling, porn addiction, eventually crossed the line into physical adultery,” Greg added.
He said that leading his double life affected the relationship he had with his wife in devastating ways.
Christian Loving Greetings from Pastor Joshua in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
This is the first time I am writing this letter to you, please read and then pray for here church, ministry, people, soul wining and needs of the ministry.
I am doing Ministry in India since 20years by faith and independently among non Christians and uneducated people and poor people we have few families with great vision, call and commitment and with prayerfully we started church in a small rented house with 5 people only by the Grace of god day by day week by week month by moth year by year with fasting prayers and daily prayers the church member ship growing.
We started Sunday school, youth meetings, women’s fellowship, door to door and hospital ministry through giving booklets, tracks distributing, street preaching, village ministry Gospel meetings ect..
Please pray for us and here ministry in your church, family and tell with your friends and other churches.
Needs of the Ministry and church:
1. Church shed Reaper and build the church permanently
2. Children Ministry
3. Widows help
4. Orphan children feeding and help
5. New Testament and Holy Bibles we need
6. One Gospel van
7. Pastors help
Send the books, magazines, children materials as the lord leads you to my address below
We heartily welcome you to India with great love, prayer, vision, and call to serve with us to do the work of God and win more souls for the king dome of God from India to Christ.
Work together, pray together, fellowship together ever and ever until His coming please join with us with the love of Christ hearts this is my humble request.
I am praying and waiting for your loving reply
Thank you very much
Yours in Christ’
#70-16-84/7, Santhanpuri colony, Godarigunta, Kakinada 533003, East Godavari Dist, Andhra Pradesh, South India. E-mail: [email protected] cell and whatsapp number 00919866322116,