‘I’m A Christian’: Actor Dennis Quaid Proclaims His Faith Before Packed Audience In California

Actor Dennis Quaid
Actor Dennis Quaid

“I’m a Christian.”

That’s the proclamation actor Dennis Quaid uttered from the Harvest Crusade stage Saturday at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California, as he stood alongside celebrated preacher Greg Laurie.

Quaid and Laurie proceeded to discuss the actor’s career and faith journey in front of the packed audience.

“The most important thing is to be authentic,” Quaid told the audience. “I’m a Christian. That’s who I am. … I have a personal relationship with [Jesus].”

The “Reagan” star admitted it took him a “long time to figure out” his Christian journey and said it’s still a journey in progress as he learns and grows.

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“I could feel right now in this big stadium — can’t you feel the Holy Spirit right here, right now?” Quaid continued.

Quaid portrays the late US President Ronald Reagan in the new feature film, “Reagan,” releasing nationwide Aug. 30, 2024, Faithwire reports.

The actor shared his long journey to portraying America’s 40th president.

“I was offered this movie six years ago … and I did not say, ‘Yes,’ at first, because, tell you the truth, it kind of scared me to death,” Quaid said. “Reagan is … like Muhammad Ali, one of the most recognizable people in the world. … He was my favorite president. I voted for him.”

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The complexity of playing such a known individual — someone with whom the public has both memory and reverence — is tough. But Quaid eventually capitulated and took the role.

“This fear went down my spine, and usually that fear is a sign that I should … get out of my comfort zone,” he said. “I had two years to really prepare for the role.”

With the film coming out during the 2024 election cycle — one that is already historic in more ways than one — Quaid encouraged Americans to come together, even amid so much divisiveness.

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“We’ve got to get to a place in this country where we could talk to each other across the aisle … because we need each other,” he said. “Republicans, Democrats, we need each other. We keep each other from going out too far this way or that, and we’re all Americans.”

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