We had a blessed weekend in Fort Wayne, proclaiming the Good News

Hundreds of decisions to follow Christ were made in Fort Wayne Sunday Night as Billy Graham’s grandson preached the gospel at an evangelism event. “Thank you for your prayers during the Celebration in Fort Wayne. Thousands attended and more than 430 made decisions for Christ. Will Graham heads to Romania next to preach the Gospel Oct. 21 & 22,” Billy Graham posted to Facebook.
“We had a blessed weekend in Fort Wayne, proclaiming the Good News! Pray for all of those who responded to begin a relationship with Jesus!” Will wrote on Facebook.
Over 4,400 people attended the event and another 46,000 from 62 countries watched online,according to BillyGraham.org.
“There’s some of you who have been going to church your whole lives. God’s been your genie. You believe God is here to serve you,” Will said in his preach. “You’ve been wrong all this time. That’s what Satan wants you to believe.”
“Instead of focusing on who Jesus is, they talk a lot about Jesus and about the good things that Jesus did,” he explained. “We’re busy focusing on a lot of great causes, but we lose sight of the fact that the One Who is at the very heart of the movement is Jesus. “That’s Who we need to be following.”